Doctoring 2

MED MS 227

Doctoring 2 is a year-long course in the second year in which students build off their experience in Doctoring 1. The course is structured in case-based small groups that allow for clinical interviews with a faculty member or a standardized patient so students can learn and practice advanced communication skills and hypothesis-driven data gathering and physical examinations, including advanced clinical exam maneuvers. There will be a strong emphasis on clinical reasoning and both identifying and mitigating cognitive biases. Students will refine and expand their case presentation and note-writing skills and will learn to use the electronic medical record. Cases will promote integration of foundational and social science topics and provide an opportunity for self-directed learning. At the end of each session, students will identify learning needs related to the case and each will take a topic to research. The following week, students will teach their classmate about the topic they researched to further the group's understanding of the case. Students will have a variety of additional simulation sessions and standardized patient interviews to further their skills. They will continue their clinical placements with a longitudinal preceptor in the fall and will return to the hospital during the winter/spring to further advance their clinical skills in preparation for their clinical clerkships. Students will further their teamwork skills and competence in building a therapeutic alliance with patients and will reflect on topics surrounding professionalism, ethics, and professional identify formation. This course is a merger of the previously offered Integrated Problems 2 and Introduction to Clinical Medicine 2 courses and is designed to deliberately integrate clinical reasoning and clinical skills.

FALL 2023 Schedule

Section Instructor Location Schedule Notes
A1 Staff ARR TBD-TBD MED Campus

Note that this information may change at any time. Please visit the Student Link for the most up-to-date course information.