Dual Degree Program

Dual Degree Policies and General Information

Effective fall 2023, effective implementation date fall 2024

  • The Dual Degree Program (DDP) is a serious endeavor that requires much thought and preparation. Before making an appointment for information about DDP, you should read this document and review the degree requirements in both schools.
  • Please note that the school/college degree requirements go well beyond the list of courses needed for each major. A practicum, portfolio, audition, foreign language requirement, internships, etc., may be required for successful completion of the degree. Refer to the appropriate school or college section of the Boston University Bulletin for more information.
  • For admission to the DDP, you must be accepted by both schools/colleges.
  • You must have a cumulative GPA of 3.0 to apply for admission to a dual degree program.
  • COM CO 101 and SHA HF 100 must be successfully completed with a minimum grade of “C” before applying for dual degree in those schools.
  • WED CE 342 must be successfully completed with a minimum grade of B– before applying for a dual degree.
  • Students applying for a dual degree in Questrom must earn a minimum grade of “C” in five of the following courses, and no less than “C–“ in the sixth course:
    • CAS MA 121 or CAS MA 123 (4 units)
    • QST SM 131 (4 units)
    • QST SM 132 (2 units)
    • CAS EC 101 (4 units)
    • CAS EC 102 (4 units)
    • BU Hub First-Year Writing Seminar (4 units)
      • (Note: Students whose catalog year at Boston University is spring 2019 or earlier should meet with a member of the Undergraduate Academic & Career Center.)
  • CFA requires successful completion of an audition or portfolio review.
  • Students are responsible for consulting regularly with their advisors in both schools/colleges of the program.
  • Applications may be submitted after the successful completion of the freshman year and no later than the last day of classes of the first term of the junior year. Transfer students must complete at least one full-time term before applying. In addition, an application will not be accepted without completion of appropriate school/college prerequisite coursework.
  • Withdrawal from the program must be requested through the primary school/college of the student. The secondary school/college will be notified by the primary school/college.

Successful Completion of the Dual Degree Program

  • The DDP requires completion of at least 160 units (e.g., forty 4-unit classes), three terms of enrollment in the Dual Degree Program, and good academic standing at the time of graduation.
  • Each degree will be awarded only if the student achieves a minimum cumulative GPA of 2.0 for the courses applied to the degree.
  • Any revision to the approved DDP course plan requires submission of the DDP Update Form for approval. Students should contact the appropriate school/college coordinator in advance of making any changes.
  • Honors, distinction, and disciplinary rules will be administered independently by the schools/colleges involved. Leaves of absence and reduction to part-time status must be approved by both the primary and secondary schools/colleges.
  • Graduation application rules, deadlines, and certification are established by each of the schools/colleges involved. Two separate applications for graduation are required up to one year in advance of graduation.
  • Two separate and distinct diplomas will be awarded only when the requirements for both degrees have been completed.

Dual Degree Application Procedures

Boston University Undergraduate Dual Degree Application Form

  • Meet with advisors/dual degree coordinators in both the school/college of current enrollment and the school/college of proposed enrollment. The advisors will assist you in understanding requirements particular to that school/college degree.
  • Take any required introductory course or, for College of Fine Arts, contact the School of Visual Arts, the School of Theatre, or the School of Music regarding audition or portfolio requirements.
  • Once you have reviewed the requirements articulated above, please write a well-thought-out, two-page (typed) statement of intent. Your essay should include your specific motivation for pursuing the DDP and an explanation of why the particular combination of majors will be a worthy academic goal.
  • You may also be referred to a departmental advisor for additional advising and course approvals.
  • Obtain an application form for DDP from your coordinator.
  • Complete the application form and schedule advisor meetings with both colleges.
  • At the conclusion of the advising sessions, you will be given the original copy of the approved DDP form, which you should return to the primary school/college DDP coordinator. After reviewing the form, the primary school/college coordinator will complete the review process and notify you by email or mail.
  • Applications not completed within the term of initiation may be considered invalid.