Introduction to Biostatistics

SPH BS 704

This course provides an overview of biostatistical methods, and gives students the skills to perform, present, and interpret basic statistical analyses. Topics include the collection, classification, and presentation of descriptive data; the rationale of estimation and hypothesis testing; analysis of variance; analysis of contingency tables; correlation and regression analysis; multiple regression, logistic regression, and the statistical control of confounding; sample size and power considerations; survival analysis. Special attention is directed to the ability to recognize and interpret statistical procedures in articles from the current literature. Students will use the R statistical package to analyze public health related data. * Can't be taken together for credit with SPH PH 717

FALL 2023 Schedule

Section Instructor Location Schedule Notes
A1 Leavitt INS 110 M 6:00 pm-8:20 pm Students cannot
take SPHBS704
and SPHPH717.
MED Campus
Class Closed

SPRG 2024 Schedule

Section Instructor Location Schedule Notes
A1 Shafiekhoras INS 212 M 2:00 pm-4:20 pm MED Campus
Class Closed

Note that this information may change at any time. Please visit the Student Link for the most up-to-date course information.