IJAHS-smallThe International Journal of African Historical Studies (IJAHS) is devoted to the study of the African past. The journal publishes three issues each year (April/May, August/September, and December). Articles, review essays, notes, and documents submitted to the journal should be based on original research and framed in terms of historical analysis. Contributions in archaeology, history, anthropology, historical ecology, political science, political ecology, and economic history are welcome. Articles that highlight European administrators, settlers, or colonial policies should be submitted elsewhere, unless they deal substantially with interactions with (or the affects on) African societies.

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Questions about orders, IJAHS subscriptions, and advertising should be directed to the business manager, Sandi McCann (ascpub@bu.edu) (617/353-7306)


About the Journal

The International Journal of African Historical Studies (IJAHS) is a peer reviewed journal devoted to the study of African’s past. Norman Bennett was the founder and guiding force behind the journal’s growth from its first incarnation at Boston University as African Historical Studies in 1968. The title was expanded to the International Journal of African Historical Studies in 1972. Jean Hay served as the journal’s production editor from 1979 to 1999 and editor from 1999 to 2005. Michael DiBlasi is the current editor and Lilly Havstad is the assistant editor. Members of the editorial board include: Emmanuel Akyeampong, Peter Alegi, Misty Bastian, Sara Berry, Barbara Cooper, Marc Epprecht, Lidwien Kapteijns, Meredith McKittrick, Pashington Obang, Jeanne Marie Penvenne, David Schoenbrun, Heather Sharkey, Ann B. Stahl, John Thornton, and Rudolph Ware III.

The journal publishes three issues each year (April/May, August/September, and December). Manuscripts submitted to the journal must be based on original research and framed in terms of historical analysis. Contributions in archaeology, history, anthropology, historical ecology, political science, political ecology, and economic history are welcome. Articles that highlight European administrators, settlers, or colonial policies should be submitted elsewhere, unless they deal substantially with interactions with (or the affects on) African societies.

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To purchase a print subscription print, fill out, and return the Print Edition Subscription form  and mail it with remittance in U. S. funds to:

African Studies Center, Boston University
232 Bay State Road
Boston, MA 02215

For inquiries please call 617-353-7306 or email at ascpub@bu.edu.

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