Publications by Country

All Africa | BeninBotswana | Burkina Faso | Cameroon | Congo | Cote d’Ivoire/Ivory Coast | East Africa | Egypt | Eritrea | Ethiopia | Gabon | Gambia | Ghana | Guinea | Guinea-Bissau | Kenya | Lesotho | Liberia | Libya | Malawi | Mali | Mauritania | Mauritius | Morocco | Mozambique | Namibia | Niger | Nigeria | North Africa | Rwanda | Senegal | Sierra Leone | Somalia | South Africa | Southern Africa | Sudan | Tanzania | Uganda | West Africa |  Zaire | Zambia |  Zanzibar | Zimbabwe

Note: The entries for each country are sorted by title

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Explanation of code numbers (used for ordering): AH, WP, and AAIC refer to article-length papers in Discussion Papers in the African Humanities (AH), Issues in Language Education (ILE), Working Papers of the African Studies Center (WP), and African-American Issues Center Papers (AAIC). ARS refers to a paperback monograph in the African Research Studies. AFDOC refers to a book in the African Historical Documents series. BUPA refers to an edited collection in the Boston University Papers on Africa series.


Africa and the Global GM Crop Conflict: Why Europe Will Win, and Poor Farmers Lose, by Robert L. Paarlberg [2003] WP 245

Damming the Empire: British Attitudes on Hydropower Development in Africa, 1917–1960, by Heather Hoag [2008] RS 3 ($6)

The Literature of African Environmental History: An Introduction, by Robert Munson [2007] RS 2 ($6)

Multiethnic vs. Deeply Divided Societies in Africa, by Shaheen Mozaffar [2002] WP 240

Performing Identity Nations, Cultures, and African Experimental Novels, by Phyllis Clark [2000] AH 34

Water Scarcity and Urban Africa: A Preliminary Mapping, by Kate Showers [2001] WP 237


Dahomey and the End of the Atlantic Slave Trade, by Robin Law [1992] WP 165

Ethnicity Ideology, and the Military in the People’s Republic of Benin, by Dov Ronen [1984] AAIC 5

The Nigeria/Benin Transborder Trade, Border Control, and the Nigerian Structural Adjustment Program, by A.I. Asiwaju [1991] WP 155


Biological Variables in Forager Fertility Performance: A Critique of Bongaarts’ Model, by Edwin Wilmsen [1982] WP 60

The Botswana National Migration Study: A Conceptual Framework, by John R. Harris [1981] WP 42

Breast Sweeping, Cesarean Section, and High Blood: Ideas About Aging in Postcolonial Botswana, by Julie Livingston [2000] WP 230

The Development of a Labor Reserve: The Impact of Colonial Rule on Botswana, by David Massey [1980] WP 34

Diet and Fertility Among Kalahari Bushmen, by Edwin N. Wilmsen, WP 14 [1979)

The Distribution and Efficiency of Crop Production in Tribal Areas of Botswana, [1981] by Robert E. B. Lucas, WP 44

The Distribution of Wages and Employment in Rural Botswana, by Robert E. B. Lucas [1981] WP 43

Exchange, Interaction and Settlement in North Western Botswana: Past and Present Perspective, by Edwin N. Wilmsen [1980] WP 39

Foragers for Life: Relations of Property, Production, and Labor in the Perpetuation of Bushman Status, by Edwin Wilmsen [1986] WP 111

“Human Locusts” and “The Sporting Class”: Wood-Cutting and Game Hunting by White Settlers in Botswana, by Julie Croston [1994] WP 192

Labor Migration from Botswana to South African Mines: Economic Effects, by John R. Harris [1983] WP 80

Migration Among the Batswana, by Robert E.B. Lucas [1983] WP 70

Prehistoric and Historic Antecedents of a Contemporary Ngamiland Community, by Edwin N. Wilmsen, WP 12

Remote Area Dwellers in Botswana: An Assessment of Their Current Status, by Edwin Wilmsen [1979] WP 65 [1982)

Struggles over Water, Struggles over Meaning: Cattle, Water, and the State in Botswana, by Pauline E. Peters [1984] WP 88

Those Who Have Each Other: Land Tenure of Kalahari Foragers, by Edwin N. Wilmsen [1984] WP 94

Women, Migrant Labor, and Social Change in Botswana, by Barbara B. Brown [1980] WP 41


Spatial Scales, Desertification, and Environmental Perception in the Bougouriba Region (Burkina Faso), by Eric F. Lambin [1992] WP 167


The Bamum Two-Figure Throne: Additional Evidence, by Christraud Geary [1983] WP 74

The Communication Process in the Changing Rural Areas of Africa, With Emphasis on the Case of Cameroon, by Chindji-Kouleu and Willard R. Johnson [1985] AAIC 9

The Earth Shall Give Judgment: Land, Leadership and Political Legitimacy in Highland Cameroon, by Miriam Goheen [1989] WP 143

The Economic Position of Beti Widows, Past and Present, by Jane I. Guyer [1979] WP 22

Family and Farm in Southern Cameroon, by Jane I. Guyer [1984] ARS 15 ($11)

Forest Conservation and Central African Cities: Kinshasa, Libreville, and Yaounde, by Theodore Trefon [1995] WP 200

The Idiom of War in the Bamum Court Arts, by Christraud Geary [1981] WP 51

Language in Cameroon, 1960–1990: Bilingual Policy, Multilingual Practice, by Milton Krieger [1991] ILE 6

Head Tax, Social Structure, and Rural Incomes in Cameroun, 1922–1937, by Jane Guyer [1978] WP 3

On Legal Change in Cameroon: Women, Marriage, and Bridewealth, by Christraud M. Geary [1986] WP 113

Patterns from Without, Meaning from Within: European-Style Military Dress and German Colonial Politics in the Bamum Kingdom (Cameroon), by Christraud Geary [1989] AH 1

Planning a Family in Bali Nyonga: Concepts and Practices in the Context of Medical Pluralism, by Sarah C. Richards [1999] WP 220

The Provident Societies in the Rural Economy of Yaounde, 1945–1960, by Jane I. Guyer [1980] WP 37

The Use of Women for the Empowerment of Men in African Nationalist Politics: The 1958 “Anlu” in Cameroon, by Emmanuel Konde [1990] WP 147


Belgian-French Relations During World War II: The Perspective of a Congo Governor-General, by William B. Norton [1979] WP 18

Do the Poor Need Nutrition Education? Some Methodological Issues and Suggestive Evidence from Kinshasa, Zaire, By David Wheeler [1978] WP 2

Ethnicity and Politics in Africa, by Crawford Young [2002] CT 1 ($15)

The Outlook for Liberalization in Zaire: Evidence from Kisangani’s Rice Trade, by Diane Russell [1989] WP 139


Le Projet d’éducation préscolaire en Langue Maternelle en Côte d’Ivoire, by Pascal D. Kokora [1989] ILE 3

Ahmadiyya and Urbanization: Migrant Women in Abidjan, by May Yacoob [1983] WP 75

French and British Colonial Forest Policies: Past and Present Implications for Côte D’Ivoire and Ghana, by Marc P.E. Parren [1994] WP 188


An Environmental and Cultural Study at Lake Maryut, Lower Egypt: A Research Prospectus, by Creighton Gabel and Karl Petruso, [1980] WP 25

Marea: A Byzantine Port in Northern Egypt, by Karl Petruso and Creighton Gabel [1982] WP 62


Damming the Empire: British Attitudes on Hydropower Development in Africa, 1917–1960, by Heather Hoag [2008] RS 3 ($6)

HIV/AIDS and the Agricultural Sector in Eastern and Southern Africa: Anticipating the Consequences, by Thomas S. Jayne, Marcela Villarreal, Prabhu Pingali, and Gunter Hemrich WP 253


A Great Agrarian Cycle? A History of Agricultural Productivity and Demographic Change in Highland Ethiopia, 1900–1987, by James C. McCann [1988] WP 131

A Tale of Two Forests: Narratives of Deforestation in Ethiopia, 1840–1996, by James McCann [1998] WP 209

Aksum and the Habashat: State and Ethnicity in Ancient Northern Ethiopia and Eritrea, by Rodolfo Fattovich [2000] WP 228

Coping with Seasonality in Amhara Households of Wogda, Central Ethiopia: An In-Depth and Multi-Dimensional Perspective, by Yared Amare [1996] WP 208

Kings and Farmers. The Urban Development of Aksum, Ethiopia: ca. 500 BC–AD 1500, by Rodolfo Fattovich, [2008] PSAE RS 4 ($6.00)

Development Interventions and Pastoral Dynamics in Southern Ethiopia: A Discussion of Natural Resources Management in Borana Pastoralism, by Johan Helland [1994] WP 186

The Diffusion of Fertilizer in Ethiopia: Pattern Determinants and Implications, by Bisrat Aklilu [1979] WP 15

The Ethiopian Intelligentsia and the Italo-Ethiopian War 1935–1941, by Bahru Zewde [1991] AH 15

Ethiopian Land Tenure Revisited: Continuity, Change, and Contradictions, by Allan Hoben [2001] WP 236

Freedom of Association in the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia, by Theodore M. Vestel [1998] WP 210

Frontier Agriculture, Food Supply, and Conjuncture: A Revolution in Dura on Ethiopia’s Mazega 1898–1930, by James C. McCann [1989] WP 138

Household Economy, Demography, and the “Push” Factor in Northern Ethiopian History, 1916–1935, by James McCann [1984] WP 97

Land Redistribution and Socioeconomic Change in Ethiopia: The Case of Wogda, Northern Shewa, by Yared Amare [1994] WP 190

The Language of Education in Ethiopia: Empowerment or Imposition?, by Susan Hoben [1995] ILE 8

The Meditations of Zara Yaqoub, a 17th Century Ethiopian Philosopher, by Tedros Kiros [1994] WP 191

Orality, State Literacy, and Political Culture in Ethiopia: Translating the Ras Kassa Registers, by James C. McCann [1991] AH 10

Paradigms and Politics: The Cultural Construction of Environmental Policy in Ethiopia, by Allan Hoben [1995] WP 193

Plows, Oxen, and Household Managers: A Reconsideration of the Land Paradigm and the Production Equation in Northeast Ethiopia, by James McCann [1984] WP 95

The Political Economy of Rural Rebellion in Ethiopia: Northern Resistance to Imperial Expansion, 1928–1935, by James McCann [1984] WP 99

Seasonal Patterns of Household and Child Food Consumption among Amhara Peasants: The Case of Wogda, Central Ethiopia, by Yared Amare [1998] WP 213

Women in Ethiopian History: A Bibliographic Review, by Belete Bizuneh [2004] WP 250


The Rentier State in Gabon, by Douglas Andrew Yates [1995] WP 196

Social Development in Francophone Africa—The Case of Women in Gabon and Morocco, by Claire Griffiths [1998] WP 211

Starving in Plenty and in Poverty: Famine in the Gabon Estuary, 1916–1926, by Jeremy Rich, WP 239 [2001]


Colonial Politics and Historical Texts: The Case of the Umarian Narratives, by David Robinson [1991] AH 16

Kola Trade and State-Building: Upper Guinea Coast and Senegambia, Fifteenth-Seventeenth Centuries, by George E. Brooks [1980] WP 38

Labor-Saving Techniques in Food Processing: Rural Women and Technological Change in the Gambia, by Kamla Nath [1985] WP 108

Luso-African Trade and Settlement in the Gambia and Guinea-Bissau Regions, by George E. Brooks [1980] WP 24

National Machineries for the Integration of Women in Development: A Strategy for the Gambia, by Kamla Nath [1985] WP 104

Women and Technological Change in the Gambia: A Case Study of the Salt Industry, by Kamla Nath [1985] WP 107

Women and Vegetable Gardens in the Gambia: Action Aid and Rural Development, by Kamla Nath [1985] WP 109


The Conservative Nationalist Tradition in Ghana, by Richard Rathbone [1994] WP 183

Democratic Transition and Electoral Systems in Africa: A Preliminary Comparison of Ghana, Mali, and Niger, by Shaheen Mozaffar [1995] WP 202

Development, Underdevelopment, and the State in Ghana, by Naomi Chazan [1982] WP 58

French and British Colonial Forest Policies: Past and Present Implications for Côte D’Ivoire and Ghana, by Marc P.E. Parren [1994] WP 188

Kobina Sekyi of Ghana: An Annotated Bibliography of his Writings, by Kofi Baku [1991] WP 151

Pawns, Porters and Petty Traders: Women in the Transition to Export Agriculture in Ghana, by Beverly Grier [1989] WP 144

Politics and Murder: A Case from West Africa in the 1940s, by Richard Rathbone [1992] WP 164

Social Mobility: Selling Transportation and Modernity in Independence-Era Ghana, by Jonathan T. Reynolds [2008] WP 256 ($6)

Some Observations on the Elections and Transition in Ghana: 1991–1996, by Kwamina Panford [1998] WP 216

Spirituality, Gender, and Power in Asante History, by Emmanuel Akyeampong and Pashington Obeng [1995] WP 198


Coming of Age Through Colonial Education: African Autobiography as Reluctant Bildungsroman, The Case of Camara Laye [focus on Mali and Guinea], by Ralph A. Austen, AH 32


Luso-African Trade and Settlement in the Gambia and Guinea-Bissau Regions, by George E. Brooks [1980] WP 24


Stewards of African Labor: The Evolution of Trusteeship in Kenya’s Horticulture Industry, by Catherine Dolan, WP 252

A Hundred Years of Crisis? Environment and Development Narratives in Ukambani, Kenya, by Dianne E. Rocheleau, Philip E.

Dying to Win: Elections, Political Violence, and Institutional Deay in Kenya, by Susanne Mueller WP 263 [2010] PDF ($6)

Steinberg, and Patricia A. Benjamin [1994] WP 189

Fashioning a Modern Identity in Colonial Western Kenya: Struggles over Clothing in the Interwar Period, by Margaret Jean Hay [2002] AH 35

Forest War No More: Detention, Villagization, and the Mau Mau Emergency, by Caroline Elkins [2000] WP 227

Government and Opposition in Kenya, 1966–1969, by Susanne D. Mueller [1983] WP 85

Historical Dimensions of the Food Crisis in Africa: Surviving Famines Along the Kenya Coast, ca. 1880–1980, by Thomas J. Herlehy [1984] WP 87

Material Culture and the Shaping of Consumer Society in Colonial Western Kenya, by Margaret Jean Hay [1994] WP 179

Micro-Finance Institutions in Kenya: Client Profiles and Institutional Growth, by Jeanne Koopman, [2001] WP 238

Politics, Class, and Gender in African Resource Management: Examining the Connections in Rural Kenya, by Barbara P. Thomas-Slayter [1989] WP 140

The Politics and Violence in Kenya, by Suzanne D. Meuller [2008] WP 257 ($6)

Problems of Pastoral Land Tenure in Kenya: Demographic, Economic, and Political Process Among Maasai, Samburu, Boran, and Rendille, 1950–1990, by Elliot Fratkin [1994] WP 177

Productivity and Environmental Conservation under Rapid Population Growth: A Case Study of Machakos District, by Mary Tiffen [1993] WP 170

Schooling and Access to Management in LDCs: The Case of Kenya, by Irving Gershenberg [1988] WP 132

Slack in Kenya’s Modern Manufacturing Sector, by Irving Gershenberg [1985] WP 105

The Spread Effect of Management Training: A Comparative Analysis of Multinational and Other Firms in Kenya, by Irving Gershenberg [1985] WP 110

The State and Peasant Leverage in Kenya, by Frank Holmquist [1984] WP 91

State Voices in the Countryside: Politics and the Kenyan Baraza, by Angelique Haugerud and Kimani Njogu [1991] WP 159

Ties that Bind: Palm Wine and Blood Brotherhood at the Kenya Coast During the Nineteenth Century, by Thomas J. Herlehy [1983] WP 68

Western Clothing and African Identity: Changing Consumption Patterns among the Luo, by Margaret Jean Hay [1989] AH 2

Who Wears the Pants? Christian Missions, Migrant Labor, and Clothing in Colonial Western Kenya, by Margaret Jean Hay [1992] AH 23

Women, Employment, and the Family in Nairobi: The Impact of Capitalist Development in Kenya, by Sharon Stichter [1986] WP 121

Women’s Domestic Labor in Colonial Kenya: Prostitution in Nairobi, 1909—1950, by Luise White [1980] WP 30


Gully Erosion in Lesotho and the Development of Historical Environmental Impact Assessment, by Kate Showers [1995] WP 201


Liberia’s Choice and Regional Stability, by John Gay, WP 251

Settler Politics in the Nineteenth Century: The Case of Sinoe County, Liberia, by Jo Sullivan [1980] WP 33

Krumen “Down the Coast”: Liberian Migrants on the West African Coast in the Nineteenth Century, by Jane Martin [1982] WP 64

Quick-Fixing the State in Africa: The Liberian Case, by Patrick L. N. Seyon [1998] WP 217


Central Saharan Trade in the Early Islamic Centuries, by Mark Dyer [1979] WP 19


An Exploration of Language Planning Issues in Malawi, by Alfred J. I. Matiki [1998] ILE 9


Democratic Transition and Electoral Systems in Africa: A Preliminary Comparison of Ghana, Mali, and Niger, by Shaheen Mozaffar [1995] WP 202

Coming of Age Through Colonial Education: African Autobiography as Reluctant Bildungsroman, The Case of Camara Laye [focus on Mali and Guinea], by Ralph A. Austen, AH 32

Women at Work in Mali: The Case of the Markala Cooperative, by Susan Caughman [1981] WP 50


Modernizing Land Tenure in Mauritania: The Role of Law in Development, by John Grayzel [1986] WP 118


The Breakthrough in Export Processing Industrialization in Mauritius, by Roland Lamusse [1986] AAIC 13

Macro-Economic Policy in a Small Open Economy: The Case of Mauritius, by Roland Lamusse [1986] AAIC 15


Social Development in Francophone Africa—The Case of Women in Gabon and Morocco, by Claire Griffiths [1998] WP 211


Attitudes Toward Race and Work in Mozambique: Lourenço Marques, 1900–1974, by Jeanne Penvenne [1979] WP 16

Forced Labor and the Origins of an African Working Class: Lourenço Marques, 1870–1962, by Jeanne Penvenne [1979] WP 13

Making Our Own Way: Women Working in Lourenço Marques, 1900–1933, by Jeanne Penvenne [1986] WP 114

Naming the Past in a “Scattered” Land: Memory and the Powers of Women’s Naming Practices in Southern Mozambique, by Heidi Gengenbach [2001] WP 234

Principles and Passion: Capturing the Legacy of João dos Santos Albasini, by Jeanne Penvenne 1991] AH 12

The Streetcorner Press: Worker Intelligence Networks in Lourenço Marques, 1900–1962, by Jeanne Penvenne [1980] WP 26

The Unmaking of an African Petite Bourgeoisie: Lourenço Marques, Mozambique, by Jeanne Penvenne [1982] WP 57

Zanzibar, Portugal, and Mozambique: Relations from the Late Eighteenth Century in 1890, by Norman R. Bennett [1987] WP 123


Nama/Namibia: The Diary and Letters of Nama Chief Hendrik Witbooi, edited by Georg M. Gugelberger [1984] AF 5 (1984) ($9) OUT OF PRINT


The Anatomy of a Riot: Single Women and Religious Violence in Niger, by Barbara Cooper [2002] WP 241

Democratic Transition and Electoral Systems in Africa: A Preliminary Comparison of Ghana, Mali, and Niger, by Shaheen Mozaffar [1995] WP 202

Le français et les langues nationales au Niger: Relations inter-linguistiques et dynamiques sociales, by Abdou Hamani [1988] ILE 1

Risk, Environmental Variability, and Drought-Induced Impoverishment: The Pastoral Economy of Central Niger, by Martha A. Starr [1986] AAIC 16


Art in History, History in Art: The Idoma Ancestral Masquerade as Historical Evidence, by Sidney Littlefield Kasfir [1985] WP 103

Beads, Cowries, and Cultural Translations of the Atlantic Experience in Yorubaland, 1600–1850, by Akinwumi Ogundiran [2002] AH 36

British, Colonial and Post-Colonial Food Regulation, with Reference to Nigeria: An Essay in Formal Sector Anthropology, by Jane I. Guyer [1991] WP 158

Changing Nuptiality in a Nigerian Community: Observations from the Field, by Jane I. Guyer [1990] WP 146

Colonialism and the Individual: A Nigerian Life History, by Simon Ottenberg [1992] AH 19

Commercialization and the Harvest Work of Women Ibarapa, Oyo State, Nigeria, by Olufemi Idowu and Jane I. Guyer [1993] WP 172

Community Response to a Pilot Farming Project in Nigeria, by C. Okali and K. Cassaday [1985] AAIC 10

Elections in Nigeria: A View from the Bush, by William F.S. Miles [1984] AAIC 6

Food Crisis and Government Response in Nigeria: A Critique of the River Basin Authorities, by Ibrahim L. Bashir [1986] WP 115

From Peasant to Artisan: Motor Mechanics in a Nigerian Town, by Sara S. Berry [1983] WP 76

Hausa Oral Traditions: An Annotated Bibliography, by David Westley [1991] WP 154

Language in Education in Benue State: A Search for a Policy, by G.A. Gundu [1991] ILE 7

“Marriage and Madness”: Marriage Stability and Demon Possession in Irigwe, Nigeria, by Walter Sangree, WP 260 (2008) ($8.00)

The Nigeria/Benin Transborder Trade, Border Control, and the Nigerian Structural Adjustment Program, by A.I. Asiwaju [1991] WP 155

The Nupe Invasion of Etsakoland: Its Impact on the Socio-Political Development of the Etsako Clans, c. 1860–1897, by Edward O. Erhagbe [1990] WP 149

Oil and the Disappearing Peasantry: Accumulation, Differentiation, and Underdevelopment in Western Nigeria, by Sara Berry [1982] WP 66

Oyibo: Representations of the Colonialist Other in Yoruba Art, 1826–1960, by Babatunde Lawal [1993] AH 24

The Political Economy of an Oligarchy: The Case of Kano’s Bourgeoisie, by Ibrahim L. Bashir [1984] WP 89

Political Economy, Political Class, and Political System in Recivilianized Nigeria, by William D. Graf [1981] WP 47

Politics and Administration of Industrial Incentives and Finance in Kano, by Ibrahim L. Bashir [1984] WP 93

Representation Without Taxation: An Essay on Democracy in Rural Nigeria, 1952–1990, by Jane Guyer [1991] WP 152

Sources of Capital Formation and Accumulation Among Kano Entrepreneurs, 1950–1980, by Ibrahim L. Bashir [1986] WP 117

The Sopono Cult and Smallpox Vaccinations in Lagos, by Robert W. Morgan [1979] WP 11

“Stealing the Road”: Colonial Rule and the Hajj From Nigeria in the Early 20th Century, by Jonathan Reynolds [2003] WP 246

The Tin Mining Industry in Independent Nigeria, by Bill Freund [1983] WP 73

“Unwrapping” Nationalism: Dress, Gender, and Nationalist Discourse in Colonial Lagos, by Judith Byfield [2000] AH 30

Weaving and the British Presence in Southeastern Nigeria after 1900, by Lisa Aronson [1991] AH 17

Women in Government Service in Colonial Nigeria, 1862–1945, by LaRay Denzer [1989] WP 136

Women’s Participation in the Democratization Process in Nigeria, by Felicia Ekejuiba [1991] WP 163


Ethnicity and Politics in Africa, by Crawford Young [2002] CT 1 ($15)

School, Work, and Equity: Educational Reform in Rwanda, by Susan J. Hoben [1989] ARS 16 ($13)

Language and Educational Reform in Rwanda, by Susan J. Hoben [1988] ILE 2

The Mending of Hearts: Conflict Resolution and Reconciliation Activities Among Rwandan Refugee Religious Groups in Ngara District, Tanzania, by Marc Sommers [1996] WP 207

What Justice for Rwanda? Gacaca versus Truth Commission? by Min Reuchamps [2008] WP 259 ($6)


The Challenges of Post-Dam Environmental and Economic Rehabilitation in the Senegal River Valley, by Jeanne Koopman, [2007] RS 1 ($6)

Choosing Between African and French Destinations: The Role of Family and Community Factors in Migration from the Senegal River Valley, by Sally E. Findley [1989] WP 142

Colonial Politics and Historical Texts: The Case of the Umarian Narratives, by David Robinson [1991] AH 16

Diola Land/European Country: Religious Representations of the French in Twentieth-Century Senegal, by Robert M. Baum [1992] AH 20

From Exclusion to Participation: A History of Forest Access Control in Eastern Senegal, by Jesse C. Ribot [1994] WP 187

Kola Trade and State-Building: Upper Guinea Coast and Senegambia, Fifteenth-Seventeenth Centuries, by George E. Brooks [1980] WP 38

Precolonial Senegal: The Jolof Kingdom, 1800–1890, by Eunice Charles [1977] ARS 12 ($7.50)


Creole Women Traders in the Nineteenth Century, by E. Frances White [1980] WP 27

Deforestation History and the Ecology of Swidden Fallows in Sierra Leone, by A. Endre Nyerges [1994] WP 185

Precolonial Commerce in Northeastern Sierra Leone, by C. Magbaily Fyle [1979] WP 10


Militarism and Warlordism: Rethinking the Somali Political Experience, by Hussein M. Adam [1993] WP 169

Sittaat: Somali Women’s Songs for “The Mothers of the Believers,” by Lidwien Kapteijns, with Mariam Omar Ali, [1995] AH 25

The Somalia Social and Institutional Profile, by Allan Hoben, Susan Hoben, and John Harris [1983] ($10) OUT OF PRINT

Women and the Crisis of Communal Identity: The Cultural Construction of Gender in Somali History, by Lidwien Kapteijns [1993] WP 173

Women and the Somali Pastoral Tradition: Corporate Kinship and Capitalist Transformation in Northern Somalia, by Lidwien Kapteijns [1991] WP 153


Marcela Villarreal, Prabhu Pingali, and Gunter Hemrich HIV/AIDS and the Agricultural Sector in Eastern and Southern Africa: Anticipating the Consequences, by Thomas S. Jayne, WP 253

Museumafrica as Metonymic for the “New” South Africa, 1988-2004, by Sara Byala, AH 37

African Initiated Churches in Southern Africa: Protest Movements or Mission Churches?, by Marthinus L. Daneel [2000] AH 33

Alex La Guma: The Literary and Political Functions of Marginality in the Colonial Situation, by Abdul JanMohamed [1982] WP 52

Anthropology in South Africa: An Inside Job, by Adam Kuper [1998] WP 212

Citizenship, Ethnicity and the Politics of Rural Democratization in Kwazulu-Natal, South Africa, by William A. Munro [1998] WP 215

Cultural Landscapes in South Africa and Australia: Kalahari Gemsbok and Uluru-Tjuta National Parks, by Jane Carruthers [2003] WP 244

The Griqua of South Africa: An Annotated Bibliography, by David Westley [2007] WP 255

Homes Fit for Heroes: White Servicemen, Social Justice, and the Making of Apartheid, 1939–1948, by Neil Roos, WP 232

Labor Migration from Botswana to South African Mines: Economic Effects, by John R. Harris [1983] WP 80

Mines and Migrants in South Africa, by Robert E.B. Lucas [1985] WP 106

Moving the Goalposts: Playing Styles, Sociability, and Politics in South African Soccer in the 1960s, by Peter C. Alegi [2000] WP 225

The Political Economy of Population Policy in South Africa, by Barbara B. Brown [1983] WP 71

Sources of Class Consciousness: The Experience of Women Workers in South Africa, 1973–1980, by Iris Berger [1982] WP 55


Khabir ‘Ali at Home in Kubayh: Brief Biography of a Dar Fur Caravan Leader, by G. Michael LaRue [1984] WP 90

Gender, Culture and Capitalism in the Islamic Revival (Sudan), by Victoria Bernal [1991] WP 160

Land and Social Stratification in Dar Fur, 1785–1875: The Hakura System, by G. Michael LaRue [1984] WP 96

Pigs: The Democratic Philosophers of the Medieval Sudan, by Jay Spaulding and J.L. Spaulding [1989] WP 134

The Use of Slaves in Precolonial Western Dar Fur: The Case of Dar Masalit, 1870—1905, by Lidwien Kapteijns [1984] WP 92


The Agrarian Question in Tanzania: The Case of Tobacco, by Susanne D. Mueller [1980] WP 32

Becoming Indigenous in Africa: The Globalization of Maasai and Barabaig Ethnic Identities, by Jim Igoe [2004] WP 248

Between Decadent Enjoyment and Struggle to Survive: Market Women Restructuring Gender in Kilimanjaro, Tanzania, by Tuulikki Pietilä [2001] WP 235

The Current Economic Stagnation in Tanzania: Causes and Effects, by Benno Ndulu [1984] AAIC 2

The Environmental Consequences of Independence and Socialism in North Pare Tanzania, 1961–1988, by Michael Sheridan, WP 233

Ethnicity and Politics in Africa, by Crawford Young [2002] CT 1 ($15)

“Getting AIDS is like Breaking Your Shaft in the Shamba”: Energy, Disease, and Changing Concepts of Manhood in Kilimanjaro, by Philip Setel [1993] WP168

Bifocalism or Unifocalism in Education? A Critical Evaluation of Language Policy in Tanzania, by Z.S. M. Mochiwa [1991] ILE 4

From Zanzibar to Ujiji, the Journal of Arthur W. Dodgshun, 1877–1879, edited by Norman Bennett [1969] AFDOC 1 ($6)

The Historical Origins of Tanzania’s Ruling Class, by Susanne D. Mueller [1980] WP 35

The Human Exploitation of Local Environmental Variations on the Mbulu Highlands, Northern Tanzania, 1920s—1950s, by Yusufu Qwaray Lawi [1999] WP 221

Investment and Resource Gaps in Tanzania, 1964–1982, by Benno Ndulu [1984] AAIC 4

Labor Conditions in the Tanzanian Mining Industry, 1930–1960, by Fred J. Kaijage [1983] WP 83

Landing the Middle Peasantry: Narodism in Tanzania, by Susanne D. Mueller [1979] WP 20

The Local Politics of Market Liberalization in Tanzania: Power Relations, Shifting Alliances, and Contrasting Outcomes, by Stefano Ponte [2000] WP 229

Lords of the Flies: British Sleeping Sickness Policies as Environmental Engineering in the Lake Victoria Region, 1900–1950, by Kirk Arden Hoppe [1995] WP203

The Mending Of Hearts: Conflict Resolution And Reconciliation Activities Among Rwandan Refugee Religious Groups In Ngara District, Tanzania (A Preliminary Field Report), by Marc Sommers [1996] WP 207

NGOs, Wheat, and Civil Society: The Story of Tanzania’s Hanang Community Development Project, by Jim Igoe [2003] WP 243

Peasant Resistance to Proletarianization in Colonial Tanzania, by Fred Kaijage [1983] WP 81

Roadblocks to Community Conservation in Tanzania: A Case Study from Simanjiro District, by Jim Igoe [1999] WP 218

The Sacred Forests of North Pare, Tanzania: Indigenous Conservation, Local Politics, and Land Tenure, by Michael J. Sheridan [2000] WP 224

Tanzania’s Performance in Meeting Basic Needs: The International Context, by John R. Harris [1983] WP 82

Urbanization, Pentecostalism, and Refugee Youth in Africa [focus on Rwandan refugees in Tanzania], by Marc Sommers, WP 231

Zanzibar, Portugal, and Mozambique: Relations from the Late Eighteenth Century in 1890, by Norman R. Bennett [1987] WP 123

The Zanzibar Letters of Edward D. Ropes, Jr., 1882–1892, edited by Norman Bennett [1973] AFDOC 3 ($6)


Ethnicity and Politics in Africa, by Crawford Young [2002] CT 1 ($15)

“Okukkera Ng’omuzungu”–To Talk Nonsense like a Whiteman: The Use of Proverbs in Luganda Historical Writing, by John A. Rowe [1991] AH 14

Planning as a Rational Act: Constructing Environmental Policy in Uganda, by David D. Gow [1994] WP 181

Sales Contracts and Land Tenure Relations in Ankole, Western Uganda, by Simon Heck [1996] WP 205


Language, Culture, and Patrimony in Africa: The French School and Its Victims, by John Hutchison [2004] WP 249


See Congo


Class and Gender on the Copperbelt: Women in Northern Rhodesian Copper Mining Areas 1926–1964, by Jane L. Parpart [1983] WP 77

Class Consciousness “Among Zambian Copper Miners, 1950–1966, by Jane Parpart [1982] WP 53

“‘GM or Death’: Food and Choice in Zambia,” by Christopher M. Annear [2003] WP 247

Labor Strategies in Northern Rhodesian Copper Mines, 1926–1935, by Jane L. Parpart [1979] WP 23

The “Labor Aristocracy” Thesis Considered Once Again: Elite Mine Workers on the Northern Rhodesian Copperbelt 1926–1966, by Jane L. Parpart [1982] WP 56

The Role of Women in Disputing Among the Ila of Zambia: Political Adaptation in Legal Change, by C.R. Cutshall [1981] WP 46

Sexuality and Power on the Zambian Copperbelt, 1926–1964, by Jane L. Parpart [1986] WP 120

Working-Class Wives and Collective Labor Action on the Northern Rhodesian Copperbelt, 1926–1964, by Jane Parpart [1985] WP 98


Chappati Complaints and Biriani Cravings: The Aesthetics of Food and Diet in Colonial Zanzibari Institutions, by Melissa Graboyes, WP 261 (2008) ($6.00)

Good Food, Riciculous Diets, and a Well Fed Swahili: British Approaches to Food in Colonial Zanzibari Institutions, by Melissa Grabyes, WP 262 (2009) ($6)

The Dhow as Cultural Icon, by Erik Gilbert [2008]. WP 258 ($6)

Mirroring Modernity: On Consumerism in Nineteenth-Century Zanzibar, by Jeremy Prestholdt, [2006] WP 254


African Traditional Religion and Earthkeeping in Zimbabwe, by M. L. Daneel [1999] AH 28

Integrating the History of Land Use into Epidemiology: Settler Agriculture as a Cause of Disease in Zimbabwe, by James Giblin [1994] WP 176


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