Xin Zhang Featured in American Scientist
The metamaterials pioneer spoke at length with the prestigious science magazine's editor-in-chief.
Engineered heart tissue. Driverless cars. Precision agriculture. Rockets. Are you in? These advancements and countless others are part of the tidal wave of progress happening here and now at the Department of Mechanical Engineering. With a focus on interdisciplinary thinking, you will be at the forefront exploring new areas such as nanotechnology, autonomous systems, additive manufacturing, sustainability and cube satellites. You will be constantly inspired by the best and brightest thinking as you meet the demands of an ever-changing world.
When most people think of robots, what comes to mind is probably something with a hard shell, likely made of metal or plastic—and maybe shaped like a human. But when Boston University mechanical engineering major Sarah Alizadeh-Shabdiz thinks of robots, she pictures a bendy, wiggly piece of rubber. Purple rubber. That’s because Alizadeh-Shabdiz (ENG’26) spent her summer doing research in BU’s Soft Robotics Control Lab.
The metamaterials pioneer spoke at length with the prestigious science magazine's editor-in-chief.
Sabelhaus and students are working on novel ways to improve how soft robots are controlled.
The novel metamaterial overcomes sweat, salt water, and security challenges
The research traineeship grant will help PhD students collaborate on new ways to convert and store sustainable energy.
The awards recognize the mid-career faculty members' contributions to research and teaching.
Zhang's work has led to a string of breakthrough devices that can sharpen and speed up MRI imaging of knees,…
Anastasia Gkousioudi receives the College of Engineering Societal Impact Award for her work in the field of vascular mechanics and…
Thanks to generous alumni, undergrads are working as full-time lab researchers this summer.