Haiku as World Literature


BUCSA Asian Cultural Heritage Series Part I: The Art of Letters

Haiku as World Literature:
A Celebration of the 150th Birthday of Haiku Poet Masaoka Shiki
October 12 & 13, 2017

 Haiku is perhaps the best travelled of all world literary genres. Since the seventeenth century, when Matsuo Bashō wrote his masterpiece, The Narrow Road to the Deep North, haiku poets have embarked on countless figural and literal journeys, and they have taken the genre with them. By the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, dense social networks of haiku poets crisscrossed the whole of Japan, and by the early twentieth century, haiku in its modern form had spread across the globe through the work of poets including Ezra Pound, Rabindrath Tagore, Frederico Garcia Lorca, and Yu Ping Bo. Today millions of people write haiku in Japanese and dozens of other languages.

This symposium marks the 150th anniversary of the birth of the haiku poet Masaoka Shiki (1867-1902). Despite spending the last seven years of his short life immobilized by tuberculosis, Shiki contributed more than any other poet to the genre’s emergence as a globe-trotting literary form. Scholars and poets working on haiku in Japanese, English, Persian, Chinese, and Spanish will share their work on Shiki and on the poetics of haiku in its global dimensions. We will also celebrate the recent digitization on the “Open BU” archive of 145 back issues of the Shiki kaishi: the journal of the Matsuyama Shiki Society, a treasure trove of original research on Shiki and his circle written by the Society’s members.

The Symposium will take place on October 12, 2017 at:
(9:00am to 5:00pm) BU Law School Barristers Hall / 765 Commonwealth Avenue

The Haiku Circle will take place on October 13, 2017 at:
(11:00am to 1:00pm) BU Pardee School, 121 Bay State Road
Register for the event here


Breakfast Reception

(8:45-9:00) Welcome:
Catherine Yeh, Director of the BU Center for the Study of Asia
J. Keith Vincent, Chair WLL

(9:00-9:30) KEYNOTE: Janine Beichman (Professor Emerita, Daito Bunka University)

(scroll down for panel paper abstracts and speaker bios)

(9:30-11:00) Masaoka Shiki and the Birth of the Modern Haiku

Discussant: Yoon Sun Yang (Boston University, WLL Korean)

Nanae Tamura (Matsuyama Shiki Society)
“”On the 150th anniversary of their Birth: Shiki, Sōseki, Kyokudō & Matsuyama”

Robert Tuck (University of Montana)
“Haiku Gets Political: Shiki, Nippon, and Meiji ‘Newspaper Literature’”

Reiko Abe Auestad (University of Oslo)
“Abe Yoshishige on ‘Masaoka Shiki as a Person’”

(11:00-12:30) Shiki’s Poetics

Discussant: Anna Elliot (Boston University, WLL Japanese)

Rebekah Machemer (Boston University WLL Alumna)
“Shiki’s Haiku in a Comic Panel: Exercises in Composition and Contextualization”

Lorenzo Marinucci (Sapenzia University of Rome)
Shiki’s Bashō: Malady and Modernity of a poetic Meeting.

J . Keith Vincent (Boston University, WLL)
“Better than Sex? Shiki’s Food Haiku”

(12:30-1:30) Break for Lunch

(1:30-3:00) Haiku Before and After Shiki:

Discussant: Peter Schwartz (Boston University, WLL German)

Cheryl Crowley (Emory University)
“Does Good Haiku have a Gender?  Tagami Kikusha O(1753-1826) and the Mino School”

Sarah Frederick (Boston University, WLL)
“Mountains and Rivers on her Desk:  Novelist Yoshiya Nobuko’s Haiku Diary (1944-1973)”

Anita Patterson (Boston University, English)
“‘Projections in the Haiku Manner’: Richard Wright and Transpacific Modernism”

(3:00-3:30) Coffee Break

(3:30-5:00) Haiku in the World:

Discussant: Wiebke Denecke (Boston University, WLL)

Faryaneh Fadaeiresketi (Heidelberg University)
“Japanese Haiku in a Persian Dress” (tentative)

Christopher Maurer (Boston University, Romance Studies)
“’This Lyrical Box of Chocolates”:  Lorca Discovers Haiku

Catherine Yeh (Boston University, WLL)
“Japanese Haiku and the Formation of the Chinese Short Poetry”

Because the best way to appreciate haiku is to write one yourself, we will reconvene on Friday, October 13 for a Haiku Circle, led by Nanae Tamura of the Matsuyama Shiki Society.  We will meet at the Pardee School 121 Bay State Road, from 11:00-1:00. Register for the event here

Paper Abstracts and Speaker Bios



With thanks for the generosity of the following sponsors:

The Boston University Center for the Humanities
Boston University Center for the Study of Asia
National Endowment for the Humanities Professorship
BU Department of World Languages & Literatures
BU Department of Romance Studies