Public Outreach

The Center for the Study of Asia encourages and fosters Asian and Asia-related scholarship and public engagement across disciplinary and university boundaries. BUCSA supports  research and teaching initiatives and the active engagement of the university and K-12 education communities as well as with the broader interested public across New England.

BU faculty, departments and centers, and student organizations engage in Asia-related outreach activities at Boston University, throughout greater Boston, and across the New England region. Many members of our faculty collaborate in educational activities with Primary Source, a non-profit center for multicultural and global education, and with the National Consortium for Teaching about Asia. As part of the center’s activities, BUCSA hosts numerous public symposia, performances, talks, and presentations each year.

To be notified of all the latest news and events, sign up for our newsletter, like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, or bookmark our calendar page!

Moreover, BU’s AsianARC (previously ICEAACH, the International Center for East Asian Archaeology and Cultural History) sponsors public talks and develops curriculum resources, working closely with local and national institutions such as the Boston Children’s Museum, the Boston Museum of Fine Arts, public school systems throughout New England, and other educational institutions and museums across the country.

AsianARC carries out many outreach programs throughout the New England area to work with elementary, middle school, and high school teachers and students to teach them about Asian archaeology, history, and geography, and also about archaeology in general. These outreach programs bring cutting edge research results and deep academic resources to K-12 and museum educators in their efforts to provide engaging and effective global programming for students and learners of all ages.

If you are a school, museum or educational institution, and wish to engage in Asia-related outreach activities  involving BU faculty and students, please contact Robert Murowchick, individual Asia-related faculty members, or the Boston University Student Activities Office.