BU Alumni Web

Crovella Named IEEE Fellow

Prestigious engineering institute cites prof’s work on network analysis

Photo by Vernon Doucette

Cited for his contributions to the measurement and analysis of networks and distributed systems, Mark Crovella, a College of Arts & Sciences computer science professor, has been elevated to fellow at the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). The grade of fellow recognizes unusual distinction in the profession.

Crovella’s research interests are rooted in performance evaluation, focusing on parallel and networked computer systems. He is the coauthor of Internet Measurement: Infrastructure, Traffic, and Applications (Wiley Press, 2006) and is the author of more than 100 papers on networking and computer systems. Crovella, who has been teaching at BU since 1994, holds five patents deriving from his research.

Crovella is one of the lead researchers on a $3 million, five-year smartphone security project funded by the National Science Foundation. The project, which got under way last fall, aims to understand how security problems associated with softphones and their networks are different from those of traditional computers and networks, and how to harness the unique capabilities of softphones for improved security.

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On 19 February 2012 at 10:39 PM, Joe Bellefeuille (SED’04) wrote:

My "hat is off" to Professor Crovella. As a life member of IEEE myself, I can really appreciate his accomplishment.

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