Profs in the Spotlight
From NPR to the New York Times to the BBC and Al-Jazeera, BU professors sought out for their research and opinions
| Links compiled by Public RelationsRobert Kaufmann
CAS professor Robert Kaufmann is the lead author of a recent study showing that China’s coal-burning, in fact, paused the advance of global warming. He has since been interviewed extensively by media around the world. Below is a sampling.

Associated Press
Global warming: China’s air pollution makes climate better, and worse at same time
New Scientist
Short Sharp Science Blog: Why global temperatures held steady for 10 years
The Guardian
Sulphur from Chinese power stations ‘masking’ climate change
Asia pollution blamed for halt in warming: study
BBC News
Global warming lull down to China’s coal growth
Daily Express
So much for global warming as planet Earth gets colder
Daily Mail
Coal-burning China’s rapid growth may have HALTED global warming
The Independent
Chinese coal pollution has had a ‘cooling effect on the planet’
China coal surge held back warming: study
Fox Nation Blog: Fox News-Inspired Scientist to Study Why Global Warming Has Stopped
The Two-Way Blog: Study: Decade-Long Lull In Global Temperatures Caused By Chinese Coal Use
Science News
Sulfur stalls surface temperature rise
Ecocentric Blog: Has “China Sky“ Helped Slow Global Warming?
Without China’s Coal Burning The Hottest Decade On Record Would’ve Been Even Hotter
Washington Post
Capital Weather Gang Blog: New study blames 10-year lull in global warming on China coal use, air pollution
Aljazeera English “News Live”
Climate study
Kook: The ChiComs Burning Coal Halted Global Warming, Cooled Us
United Press International
Sulfur emissions ‘mask’ global warming
Investor’s Business Daily
EDITORIAL: Think It’s Getting Hotter? Think Again
Investor’s Business Daily
EDITORIAL: Coal stops global warming?
The Independent
Nature Studies by Michael McCarthy: Wet summers conceal a terrible surprise
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