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Week of 19 September 1997

Vol. I, No. 4

Feature Article

Taking off weight and keeping it off

The Evans Nutrition Group

The Boston Medical Center's Evans Nutrition Group helps people lose weight and maintain the loss once the desired number of pounds has been shed.

The program, which is staffed by dietitians, nurses, and physicians specializing in weight reduction, includes individualized diet regimens, often in combination with appetite-suppressing drugs; instruction and encouragement to increase exercise within a safe, structured program; weekly nutrition and behavior modification meetings; regular medical monitoring; and the opportunity to enroll in long-term maintenance programs.

The Evans Group tailors diets to clients' lifestyles, health, and weight-loss goals. These regimens, which are closely monitored by specialists, range from supplemented fasts designed for rapid weight loss to low-fat, high-fiber intake for slower loss. Staff specialists may also offer medically approved appetite- control drugs for use in combination with other features of the program.

Clients are encouraged to undertake a safe exercise plan and have the option of enrolling in a program supervised by a BMC exercise specialist. In addition to technical information on weight loss, weekly nutritional meetings provide emotional support. One-on-one counseling with experienced psychologists or social workers is available upon request. In collaboration with appropriate specialists at BMC, Evans physicians closely monitor conditions such as diabetes and heart disease, which sometimes accompany obesity.

Finally, the Evans Group's fees are covered by many insurance plans. For convenience to BU employees, the Group sees clients both at 720 Harrison Ave. on the Medical Campus and at 930 Commonwealth Ave. on the Charles River Campus. The telephone for both addresses is 638-5980.