SFA Senior Thesis Exhibition, through May 21 at the Boston University Gallery.

Vol. III No. 34   ·   12 May 2000   

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School for the Arts Senior Thesis Exhibition at the BU Gallery at 855 Commonwealth Ave. will include three sculptures by Karen Carlson (SFA'00) (left), who says that her work with wood logs this year was inspired by an archaeology course entitled Prehistoric Technology and Culture. "This year, I became interested in megalithic architecture in England and Ireland -- in dolmens and other structures at sites such as Newgrange," says Carlson. Dolmens are prehistoric monuments that consist of two or more upright stones supporting a horizontal slab stone. "I took stone carving and wood carving classes this year, and a friend noticed that my sculptures resembled megaliths," she adds. The exhibition runs from May 12 through 21. Gallery hours are Tuesday-Friday, 10 a.m.-5 p.m., Saturday and Sunday, 1-5 p.m. For more information, call 353-3329.


1 June 2000
Boston University
Office of University Relations