The Huntington Theatre Company's production of Molière's Amphitryon, March 9 through April 8, at the BU Theatre

Vol. IV No. 25   ·   9 March 2001 


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Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) launches a plan to curb college underage and binge drinking: Ralph Hingson, associate dean at BU's School of Public Health, addresses a packed press conference held at BU's Terrace Lounge in the George Sherman Union on Wednesday, February 28. The national news conference, timed to coincide with the beginning of collegiate spring break -- when many students engage in drinking -- unveiled the MADD College Commission Report. The report outlines five action steps colleges can implement to develop and enforce campus and college community alcohol policies. Seated behind Hingson are Sammy Quintana, chairman of the MADD College Commission, and Millie Webb, MADD national president. Photo by Vernon Doucette


9 March 2001
Boston University
Office of University Relations