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begin April 12
Week of 5 April 2002 · Vol. V, No. 29

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Alum's goal in federal post is ending homelessness in 10 years

By Brian Fitzgerald
Philip Mangano has a lofty goal: eliminating chronic homelessness nationwide in 10 years. For those who think it's impossible, he says, think again: "More difficult tasks have been accomplished."

Student Employee of the Year
She's tops with tough customers

By Hope Green
Getting into the college of one's choice is no doubt cause for celebration. But for many families, that joy is tempered with anxiety as they await the results of a second competition: the quest for financial aid.

The reorientation of Glenn Loury

By David J. Craig
Few social commentators could draw the heated reaction that Glenn Loury has with a book as politically moderate as his latest, Anatomy of Racial Inequality.
Loury, a UNI professor, CAS economics professor, and director of BU's Institute on Race and Social Division, rose to prominence in the 1980s as an outspoken critic of post-Civil Rights social programs such as affirmative action, saying they stigmatized blacks as inferior

Give us this day
Loaves of bread give rise to kernels of knowledge

By Hope Green
Thomas Glick munches on an apple in his Bay State Road office, where books such as Cordano's Cosmos, The Measure of Reality, and Medieval Technology and Social Change line the shelves. The rest of his lunch sits on a wooden board, ready for the sharing: a warm and toothsome spelt-and-barley loaf, fresh from a bread machine he keeps on a table next to his computer printer.

Conference to probe Black-Asian relations around the world

A spring in his hands


5 April 2002
Boston University
Office of University Relations