B.U. Bridge

Final performances of
the Huntington Theatre Company’s production of
A Month in the Country, through October 6

Week of 27 September 2002 · Vol. VI, No. 5

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Upgrading an industry
NSF taps BU computer scientists to establish software standards

By David J. Craig
Anyone who uses the Internet has considered clicking on the download button of a Web site that offers free software, perhaps for viewing a film online. But is it safe?

Nigerian doctor makes COM launching pad for medical outreach in her homeland

By David J. Craig
As the host of a weekly call-in television show in Lagos, Nigeria, physician Lisa Onyemobe provided advice on how to prevent common ailments such as malaria, respiratory infection, and tuberculosis. Aimed at educating mothers on child health-care issues, the show featured Onyemobe's fellow doctors as guests.

Old age does not a prison make
Centenarians yield secrets of long life

By Hope Green
When Thomas Perls was a fellow in geriatrics, in 1993, he was surprised to find that his two eldest patients were among the healthiest he treated. Both were 100 years old.

Escaping reality television By Tim Stoddard

Alum's book relives 13 of the greatest moments in sports By Brian Fitzgerald

Hackie Reitman -- just call him the fight doctor By Brian Fitzgerald

A Sand Mandala


27 September 2002
Boston University
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