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Week of 8 November 2002 · Vol. VI, No. 11

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Small wonders
Nanotech grants for probing inner space

By Tim Stoddard

For young Benjamin Braddock in the 1967 film The Graduate, the future was neatly summarized in one word: plastics. If Mike Nichols had directed the film 30 years later, that word may well have been nano.

Selim Unlu (left), an ENG associate professor of electrical and computer engineering, and Bennett Goldberg, a CAS professor of physics, are not lone wolves in the laboratory. The two share a lab in the Photonics Center, and they say that the collaborative arrangement is conducive to problem solving in their field of nanoscience. Now they’re heading up the Nanoscience Working Group to encourage similar interdisciplinary relationships among CAS and ENG researchers working in nanotechnology. Photo by Kalman Zabarsky


Selim Unlu (left), an ENG associate professor of electrical and computer engineering, and Bennett Goldberg, a CAS professor of physics, are not lone wolves in the laboratory. The two share a lab in the Photonics Center, and they say that the collaborative arrangement is conducive to problem solving in their field of nanoscience. Now they’re heading up the Nanoscience Working Group to encourage similar interdisciplinary relationships among CAS and ENG researchers working in nanotechnology. Photo by Kalman Zabarsky


Nanoscale science and technology are expected to change virtually every human-made object in the next century. The essence of nanoscience involves manipulating atoms and molecules to build structures with new and improved properties. In the 1980s, when researchers first started working at the nanoscale (a nanometer is one billionth of a meter, or about 1,000 times smaller than the diameter of a single human hair), they were surprised to find that small groups of atoms or molecules often have unexpected properties, such as increased strength, electrical resistance, and optical absorption, that are significantly different from the properties of the same matter when it is a single molecule or part of a vast array of connected molecules.

Over the past three years, BU researchers have been pursuing several ambitious nanoscience projects. But until now, says Bennett Goldberg, a CAS professor of physics, these disparate efforts have been limited by their lack of collaboration. In the first step towards building an intercollege working group of engineers, physicists, biologists, and chemists, Goldberg and Selim Unlu, an ENG associate professor of electrical and computer engineering, have received funding from the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) to begin two interdisciplinary projects in the field of nano-optics, which strives to see tiny objects in ever-finer detail.

Nano-optics is an important starting point, because to fully make use of the potential of nanotechnology, researchers need to see what they’re working with. With a $1.3 million grant from the NSF, Unlu and Goldberg will develop tools and methods for seeing objects 10 to 20 nanometers wide. The project is one of several NSF grants to support nanoscale interdisciplinary research teams (NIRTs) at universities across the country. BU’s NIRT team includes Todd Murray and Kamil Ekinci, both ENG assistant professors of aerospace and mechanical engineering, and Raj Mohanty, a CAS assistant professor of physics.

The team’s initial goal is to get around a fundamental limit of nature. For 300 years, optical microscopes have been limited by the way light behaves. It’s impossible for even the most powerful lenses to see things smaller than about one half the wavelength of light, the so-called diffraction limit. A decade ago, Unlu and Goldberg pioneered a technique called near-field optics to get around this limit. Now they’re developing an even better technique called solid immersion microscopy. The idea is to shorten the wavelength of the light by passing it through a substance with a very high index of refraction. The higher the index, the slower the speed of light in that medium and the shorter the wavelength.

In a separate project, Goldberg and Unlu have received $1.7
million from the NIH to apply a different sort of nano-optics to observe the subcellular structures of Shigella bacteria. With Anna Swan, an ENG research assistant professor of electrical and computer engineering, Unlu and Goldberg will refine a new technique called self-interference fluorescence microscopy. One of the main tools for probing biological systems, fluorescence microscopy involves injecting a fluorescent molecule into the specimen and tracking its position with a microscope. Currently researchers can use this technique to see things as small as 400 nanometers, but Unlu and Goldberg’s team wants to better that by a factor of 50 using their patented technique.

Other instruments, such as electron microscopes, can already render images of biological features at a much higher resolution. But the problem with this technique, explains Goldberg, is that it requires killing the cell, freezing it, and slicing it thinly before bombarding it with high-energy electrons, which damage the sample as they bounce off it. The goal is to develop an instrument that can locate, in real-time and three-dimensional space, the precise position of certain proteins in living bacteria and viruses.

For Goldberg, the NIH-funded project illustrates the importance of interdisciplinary work in nanoscience. “The real breakthroughs and advances in nanoscience are going to happen at the boundaries between disciplines,” he says. “It’s pretty unusual for me, a condensed-matter physicist, to have an NIH grant to do biological imaging. As we understand more about the physical processes of things at the nanoscale, then the great application is to match them to the natural biological systems at the same scale.”

Nanoscience Working Group

At the nanoscale, the boundaries between physics, chemistry, biology, engineering, and computer science blur, and most nanoscientists agree that collaboration between these disciplines is essential to solving the major challenges in the field. To promote cross-pollination among the three existing nanotechnology endeavors at BU, Bennett Goldberg, a CAS professor of physics, and Selim Unlu, an ENG associate professor of electrical and computer engineering, are forming the Nanoscience Working Group to bring together researchers from CAS and ENG. “The working group is supposed to overcome some of the built-in barriers to doing interdisciplinary research,” says Goldberg. “It’s supposed to make it easier for faculty from different departments to collaborate, to colocate, and to jointly fund postdocs.”

Members of ENG’s biomedical engineering department, including Associate Professor Tejal Desai and Assistant Professor Joe Tien, will participate. Last year, the Whitaker Foundation awarded a $14 million grant to BU, matched by an $18 million commitment from the University, to support research in the development of biological microelectromechanical devices (bioMEMs), tiny silicon chips smaller than half the width of a human hair that are designed to be implanted in a patient’s body and slowly release drugs for heart disease, diabetes, and other conditions. The grant will also fund research into protein and genomic engineering, and physiological systems dynamics. Desai is leading an effort to establish an innovative educational program in micro and nanoscale systems for biology and has submitted a proposal to the NSF to design a new Ph.D. curriculum at BU to train the next generation of nanoscientists in the overlapping disciplines that are important to understanding nanoscale phenomena.

The working group will also include faculty and postdocs from the recently renovated Nanoscale Research Facility in the CAS physics department, where researchers are already fabricating nanoscale mechanical and electronic devices. The expertise from physics and biomedical engineering will be complemented by the soon-to-be-renovated integrated laboratory for nano-optics in the Photonics Center.

Goldberg foresees BU playing a more active role at the state level in the development of nanotechnology in the private sector. To date, California, New York, Florida, and Texas have invested about $2 billion in nanoscience centers at universities to capitalize on the potentially huge economic impact that nanotechnology-related research and development will have on high-tech industries. Goldberg represents BU in the new Massachusetts Nanoscale Initiative, which is focused on strengthening relationships between industry, universities, and venture capitalists.

8 November 2002
Boston University
Office of University Relations