B.U. Bridge

Installation of Robert Neville as dean of Marsh Chapel and University chaplain, Sunday, September 14, 4 p.m., Marsh Chapel

Week of 12 September 2003· Vol. VII, No. 3

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Literally, dangling by a thread: Boston Dance Collective’s 30th anniversary gala concert honors the creativity of Dawn Kramer, a Dance Collective codirector and one of the group’s original founders, who will leave after 30 years of directing, administering, choreographing, teaching, and performing. Micki Taylor-Pinney, coordinator of the dance program at BU’s Department of Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance and a CFA instructor, will assume the role of Dance Collective director. Photo by Pete Wishnok

Literally, dangling by a thread: Boston Dance Collective’s 30th anniversary gala concert honors the creativity of Dawn Kramer, a Dance Collective codirector and one of the group’s original founders, who will leave after 30 years of directing, administering, choreographing, teaching, and performing. Micki Taylor-Pinney, coordinator of the dance program at BU’s Department of Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance and a CFA instructor, will assume the role of Dance Collective director. Photo by Pete Wishnok


12 September 2003
Boston University
Office of University Relations