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Is There an Architecture of the Absurd? A University Professors Seminar lecture by John Silber, January 16, SMG 208, 10 a.m.

Week of 9 January 2004· Vol. VII, No. 15

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Bat study translates into dollars and census

Brazilian free-tailed bats emerge from caves by the millions on summer evenings in south-central Texas, eating crop-destroying insects and thereby providing a vital service to agriculture. Photo by Thomas Kunz

By David J. Craig
From a distance, the millions of Brazilian free-tailed bats pouring out of south-central Texas caves and spreading out against the deep blue summer evening sky look like huge plumes of smoke.

CAS biologist tags marine life, finds coral reefs in peril

Les Kaufman Photo by Fred Sway

By Brian Fitzgerald
A BU celebrity sighting — in a September Boston Herald column usually reserved for Hollywood luminaries? True, Les Kaufman's appearance in the newspaper played second fiddle to a Jennifer Lopez–Ben Affleck wedding rumor, but the CAS professor of biology is still pleased.

Shocking kidney stones

Robin Cleveland, an ENG associate professor of aerospace and mechanical engineering, is trying to determine how shock waves break up kidney stones, and the results could lead to a procedure that's kinder to the kidneys. Photo by Kalman Zabarsky

By Tim Stoddard
Robin Cleveland has never had a kidney stone, but he can sympathize with friends, colleagues, and the 1.3 million Americans who develop the excruciatingly painful stones every year.

Visiting scholar David Baron examines western cougar problem that's eastward-bound

David Baron Photo by Vernon Doucette

By Brian Fitzgerald
Lynda Walters envied her parents when they told her about the mountain lion that had walked in front of their pickup truck. She could only imagine the thrill of watching one of the leopard-sized cats strutting right across Sunshine Canyon Drive. “I wish I could see one,” she said.
Be careful what you wish for.

Neville melds intellect and religion as Marsh Chapel dean, University Chaplain

Photo by Kalman Zabarsky

By David J. Craig
On a Sunday morning last semester, parishioners at Marsh Chapel heard an unusual interpretation of St. Mark's Gospel story of the rich man who asked Jesus what he must do to enter heaven.

Hark, An Angelic Cheer
Angel's angels. Two days before the December 18 University Holiday Party, members of the School of Theology ice-carving team gave shape to their heavenly ice sculpture, entitled Hark, An Angelic Cheer.
BU student athletes give the gift of reading: In a holiday tradition now in its seventh year, more than 100 members of BU athletic teams visited several Brighton and Allston elementary schools, the Franciscan Children's Hospital in Brighton, and the Jackson Mann School and the Horace Mann School for the Deaf in December and early January to read to second grade students and present each student with a book as a holiday gift. Pictured at the Jackson Mann School in Allston are women's softball team members Christy King (CAS'05) (left) and Abbey Pauley (CAS'04). Classroom teachers received a copy of Make Way for Ducklings, and each classroom was given a plush toy of Rhett, the BU Terrier. Rhett joined the men's and women's teams, posed for pictures, and signed autographs for the students. Gift books were donated through BU's Business Affairs Office and Barnes & Noble at BU. Photo by Maureen Kiely
BU student athletes give the gift of reading

9 January 2004
Boston University
Office of University Relations