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Week of 9 April 2004 · Vol. VII, No. 27

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A long-running CFA chorus line: André de Quadros (second from left), a CFA professor and the director of the school of music, attended March 25's 2004 Service Recognition Dinner with longtime school of music faculty. Recognized at the dinner and awards ceremony were (from left) Penelope Bitzas, a CFA associate professor and 10-year honoree, de Quadros, Theodore Antoniou, a CFA professor and 25-year honoree, and 10-year honorees Shiela Kibbe-Hodgkins, a CFA assistant professor and chairman of the piano department, and Ann Howard Jones, a CFA professor and director of choral activities. Photo by Fred Sway

A long-running CFA chorus line: André de Quadros (second from left), a CFA professor and the director of the school of music, attended March 25's 2004 Service Recognition Dinner with longtime school of music faculty. Recognized at the dinner and awards ceremony were (from left) Penelope Bitzas, a CFA associate professor and 10-year honoree, de Quadros, Theodore Antoniou, a CFA professor and 25-year honoree, and 10-year honorees Shiela Kibbe-Hodgkins, a CFA assistant professor and chairman of the piano department, and Ann Howard Jones, a CFA professor and director of choral activities. Photo by Fred Sway


9 April 2004
Boston University
Office of University Relations