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Week of 1 October 2004 · Vol. VIII, No. 3

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Readying for presidential search, Board seeks faculty and alumni input

The Board of Trustees recently appointed 8 of its members to a 15-person search committee that will recommend candidates for the University presidency. The trustees soon will choose seven additional committee members from among BU’s deans, faculty, and alumni, ensuring that each group is represented.

The search committee will be chaired by David D’Alessandro, chairman and CEO of John Hancock Financial Services. Vice chairman will be Robert Knox (CAS’74, GSM’75), senior managing director of Cornerstone Equity Investors, LLC. D’Alessandro and Knox are co–vice chairmen of the full board. The committee also will include trustees Suzanne Cutler, David Myers, Sharon Ryan (SAR’70), Richard Shipley, and Marshall Sloane (SMG). Trustee Chairman Alan Leventhal will serve on the committee ex officio.

Leventhal says that the diverse committee will conduct a systematic and inclusive search. “This committee will encompass the Boston University community,” he says, “and I have no doubt it will succeed in identifying numerous outstanding candidates to lead this institution into its next phase of growth and development.”

The University has been headed since last November by President ad interim Aram Chobanian, formerly dean of the School of Medicine and provost of the Medical Campus. Chobanian, who recently returned to his presidential duties full-time after successful cardiac surgery, is not a candidate for the permanent presidency.

Last May, the Board named a special committee to determine how best to conduct the University’s presidential search. Chaired by Knox, the special committee met several times over the summer. Members reviewed presidential search processes at other colleges and universities, obtained advice from executive search experts, interviewed more than 30 current and past BU trustees, and solicited input from others in the broader University community. The committee presented its findings to the Board in September.

During the next two months, D’Alessandro and other search committee members will be on campus regularly to gather opinions about the presidential search from any members of the BU community.


1 October 2004
Boston University
Office of University Relations