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Week of 15 October 2004 · Vol. VIII, No. 7

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Jacobs, Vigil join Faculty-in-Residence Program

Now entering its 30th year, the Faculty-in-Residence Program has 14 professors living in dorms around campus. Karen Jacobs and Tammy Vigil are two of the program’s newest members as of this fall.

Jacobs, a SAR clinical professor of occupational therapy, is living in C Tower at Warren Towers on Comm Ave. A professor since 1983, she is actively involved in researching school violence prevention, the proper way for children to use backpacks, and healthy setups for children who use computers so they don’t injure themselves. She decided to join the program when her youngest child was accepted into the University Professors Program this year. “It gave me the perfect opportunity to make a life change, and I thought it might be an interesting and rewarding experience to become a faculty-in-residence,” she says. “It also provides me a great opportunity to meet with students in a more informal manner.”

Jacobs already has several events planned, including providing education and conducting a project on healthy use of computers for University students. Her dorm open hours are on Mondays from 8 to 11 p.m. During the month of September, Jacobs showcased different cultures by hosting a sushi-making night and celebrating the Chinese Moon Festival, eating moon cakes, watching a Chinese movie, and listening to Chinese music. Although Jacobs lives in Warren Towers, she says, her Monday night events are open to students all over campus.

Students have nicknamed Vigil “Dr. V.” A COM assistant professor of mass communications, who also teaches at Metropolitan College and the School of Management, she lives in Rich Hall on West Campus. In her third year of teaching, Vigil opted to join the Faculty-in-Residence Program to help the University build bridges

between professors and students. So far this semester, she has hosted students to watch one of the three debates between the presidential candidates and then discuss their performances and the issues. She also has several informal events in the works, including “a series of cheesy movie nights in my apartment during which students are welcome to join in the viewing of light-hearted, entertaining movies.”

For nearly a quarter of a century, math prof has lived among pupils


15 October 2004
Boston University
Office of University Relations