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George Stephanopoulos. ABC News, moderates: American Power and Global Security, 7 p.m., Tuesday, October 19, Tsai Performance Center

Week of 15 October 2004 · Vol. VIII, No. 7

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Soaring construction projects realize centralized campus

Life Science and Engineering Building

By Jessica Ullian
Many BU alumni returning to the Charles River Campus these days are finding a very different University from the one they knew as students.



Closing cultural gaps will prepare young professionals

African Studies Center Director James Pritchett, a CAS associate professor and associate provost for Intra-University Programs. Photo by Kalman Zabarsky

By Tim Stoddard
Traveling through Zambia and Lesotho in June, James Pritchett met with SPH students and alumni working in BU-sponsored AIDS and malaria programs.



Former CIA office Hulnick: how pre-9/11 intelligence went wrong, and how to fix it

CAS Associate Professor of International Relations and former CIA officer Arthur Hulnick: “Good intelligence is the first line of defense in homeland security.” Photo by Kalman Zabarsky

By Brian Fitzgerald
When it comes to scrutinizing intelligence failures associated with the terrorist attacks on September 11, 2001, fingers are usually pointed at the FBI, the CIA, and the National Security Agency (NSA)


For nearly a quarter of a century, math prof has lived among pupils

Diane Meuser in her Claflin Hall apartment. Photo by Vernon Doucette

By Danielle Masterson
A snapshot of a group of soaked students in rain ponchos sits on an end table in Diane Meuser’s apartment, between a box of vinyl record albums and four shelves filled with running trophies and pictures.


Mike Lynch on Student Village: a social, educational, and cultural mecca

Mike Lynch, athletics director, across from the John Hancock Student Village. Photo by Fred Sway

By Brian Fitzgerald
There is a tone of ebullience and expectancy in the voice of Mike Lynch, BU’s new athletics director. It’s as if the former minor league pitcher is gearing up for a big game.


Students meet mayor's challenge: become active citizens of Boston

Karla Hurtley (CAS’05) volunteering with the Wizards program last year. The chemistry major taught science to elementary and middle school students for four semesters. Photo by Vernon Doucette

By Jessica Ullian
Matt Jacobs knows where to go in Allston for kicks on a Friday night. For the past three years, he has bypassed the nightlife hot spots and headed straight to the West End House, where he coached a youth basketball team.

Star-crossed, star-gazing, and starry-eyed

Josh Kohl (CFA’05) and Courtenay Symonds (CFA’05) portray two young lovers in Ballymore Part One: Winners, part of this year’s Fall Fringe Festival. Photo by Vernon Doucette

By Jessica Ullian
The festival’s theme is Breaking Bonds: Artistic Response to Repression, and each of its three shows — Thérèse Raquin, Ballymore Part One: Winners, and Galileo Galilei — examines a different struggle for freedom.

Showing and telling BU, starring the students who live it

Campus tour guides Erica Weber (CAS’05) (left) and Jonathan Shmidt (CAS’04) lead a tour of the University in August. Photo by Vernon Doucette

By Meghan Dorney
Many high school students considering attending Boston University get their first glimpse of the Charles River Campus on a tour led by a BU undergraduate just a few years older than themselves.

Explosion. Sergio Castillo’s metal sculpture is orbited in this shot by several BU buildings (clockwise from upper right): the graduate housing at 580 Commonwealth Ave., the School of Management, Morse Auditorium, the Physics Research Building, and the Metcalf Center for Science and Engineering. This photo was taken on September 27, using a digital camera with a fish-eye lens laid upon the sculpture’s base. Photo by Kalman Zabarsky


Bonhomie? Michel Rocard, prime minister of France from 1988 to 1991 and a member of the European Parliament, described the “absolutely incredible” relationship between the United States and France during a lecture at The Castle on October 6. “Two friendly nations sharing largely the same ideals and values, which, in the strange world in which we live, have never been at war against one another — in 230 years, this has been unique,” he told the overflow crowd. “The first orange I ever ate in my life was given to me in August of 1944 by a black American soldier. The way you liberated us has created — at least for my generation and for some of those immediately following — an immense feeling of gratitude.” And yet, Rocard said, squabbles about international affairs traditionally have been magnified by each country’s insularism. “ France is affected with what I would call provincialism with universal pretension,” he said. “Within Europe, France has the fewest citizens who speak more than one foreign language, and French news consumers are largely disinterested in foreign affairs. The French people have not traveled enough, and don’t know enough about the world, and this has sometimes affected even the top of our political hierarchy.” The United States is similarly provincial, Rocard said, but “it is wished for here, rather than unconscious.” Too, he said, the United States is drunk with power: “This enormous, unequilibrated, uncounterweighted power, with weak experience of history” is a great problem. Rocard is unsure about the future of Franco-American relations. “My great fear,” he said, “is that this rift between France and the United States could be deepened. That’s one of the challenges that could be addressed in your upcoming presidential election.” The lecture was sponsored by BU’s Institute for Human Sciences, the Consulate General of France in Boston, and the French Library and Cultural Center/Alliance Française of Boston and Cambridge. Photo by Vernon Doucette


United Way poster

Annual United Way fund drive


15 October 2004
Boston University
Office of University Relations