B.U. Bridge

Poetry reading by Aaron Fogel, a CAS and GRS associate professor of English, at 5 p.m. Friday, March 18, at CGS Auditorium

Week of 11 March 2005· Vol. VIII, No. 23

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Heart matters. President ad interim Aram Chobanian, a cardiovascular expert, told students during a UNI lecture on March 4 that to have a long life they should eat foods low in salt and saturated fat, exercise regularly, stay away from cigarettes and drugs, drink in moderation, take precautions against sexually transmitted diseases, stay intellectually and socially active, minimize stress, and of course — choose a good doctor. And it would be a good idea to “pick your parents if you could,” he said, because genetics goes a long way in determining lifespan. He pointed out that approximately 50,000 Americans today are over age 100 and that many had parents or siblings who lived just as long. Photo by Kalman Zabarsky

Heart matters. President ad interim Aram Chobanian, a cardiovascular expert, told students during a UNI lecture on March 4 that to have a long life they should eat foods low in salt and saturated fat, exercise regularly, stay away from cigarettes and drugs, drink in moderation, take precautions against sexually transmitted diseases, stay intellectually and socially active, minimize stress, and of course — choose a good doctor. And it would be a good idea to “pick your parents if you could,” he said, because genetics goes a long way in determining lifespan. He pointed out that approximately 50,000 Americans today are over age 100 and that many had parents or siblings who lived just as long. Photo by Kalman Zabarsky


11 March 2005
Boston University
Office of University Relations