Volume 99, Number 1 – January 2019



Investigating the Hypothetical “Reasonable Royalty” for Copyright Infringement
David Nimmer
Page 1

Class Actions, Indivisibility, and Rule 23(b)(2)
Maureen Carroll
Page 59

The Rule of Law and Legal-Process Reasons in Attorney Advising
W. Bradley Wendel
Page 107

The Use and Abuse of “Light-Touch” Internet Regulation
John Blevins
Page 177

The Paradoxes of Legal Proof: A Critical Guide
Michael S. Pardo
Page 233

Webber’s Best Weapon: Working-Class Shareholders as David to Corporate Management’s Goliath
Frank Partnoy
Page 291

The Rise of the Working Class Shareholder: An Application, An Extension, and a Challenge
Kent Greenfield
Page 303