Bob Herbert at Alumni Weekend

The 2011 Howard Zinn Memorial Lecture Series was given by Bob Herbert, former New York Times [...]columnist. The event took place during this year's Alumni Weekend.

Howard Zinn was an author, a history professor, and a political activist whose writings changed the lives of BU students and readers around the world. Zinn taught in the College of Arts & Sciences’ political science department for twenty-four years, from 1964 to 1988. He was a hero of the political left, a consistent and cogent critic of American policies, both domestic and international. He is best known for his 1980 book "A People’s History of the United States", which countered the premise that history must be written by and for society’s "winners." A television documentary released in 2009, "The People Speak", translated Zinn’s work to the screen for yet another generation of progressive thinkers.

The Howard Zinn Memorial Lecture Series is made possible by a generous gift from Alex MacDonald, Esq. (CAS’72), and Maureen A. Strafford, MD (MED’76).

Photo by Cydney Scott

Tags: alumni, howard zinn, lecture, new york times, alumni weekend

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