Dean Elmore Takes the Plunge

A brisk wind blew across the Charles River, forcing the BU crew launch Kenneth Elmore—clad in [...]a BU swim cap, goggles, wet suit, tuxedo, and red patent leather Converse hightops—was standing on to drift to the side. The BU Band unleashed a drum roll. On the shore, hundreds of seniors chanted a countdown. And then, as promised, there was a splash, an ear-splitting cheer, and a very wet dean of students doing a leisurely backstroke toward the boat.

Elmore’s plunge into the Charles River on Friday was a grand public acknowledgment that the Class of 2011 had met a challenge calling for at least 2,011 seniors (more than half the class) to donate to the Class Gift campaign.

Tags: bu, seniors, dean of students, splash, elmore, charles river, boat, 2011, class gift

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