Resumes and CVs are an opportunity for you to present your skills, experience, knowledge, and background effectively. Often the first contact with a prospective employer, a good resume or CV can help you get an interview, network with industry professionals, and highlight your qualifications.

We can help you translate your academic and work experiences into relevant content, provide feedback on your existing draft, and supply you with key strategies for effective applications.


If you are creating your first resume, take some time to brainstorm a running list of your skills and experiences. Include every position you’ve had (paid or unpaid), organizations to which you’ve belonged, leadership positions, special projects you’ve initiated, honors or awards, languages you speak, computer skills, special interests or hobbies, travel, or anything else significant.

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A curriculum vitae, typically called a CV or vita, is a scholarly representation of your education, experience, publications, research, honors and awards, and other relevant information. Professionals who are targeting academia and other research-related professions such as medicine and psychology use a CV.

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