Professor Jeffries-EL awarded funding for NSF Chemistry Early Career Investigator Workshop

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In an effort to develop the next generation of Chemistry researchers, the National Science Foundation Division of Chemistry has sponsored the proposal of Professor Malika Jeffries-EL and co-PI Jeff Moore for the University of Illinois-Urbana Champagne to hold an NSF Chemistry Early Career Investigator Workshop. The objective of these workshops is to provide early career chemist with networking opportunities and relevant information needed to better assess their research ideas, projects, and plans so as to more effectively compete for grant applications to the NSF CAREER program, other NSF programs and other federal agencies.

The 2016 NSF Chemistry Early Career Investigator workshop is a two-day event, to be held March 10th-11th 2016 in Arlington VA at the Hilton Garden Inn, which is close to the NSF headquarters, enabling the participation of many program officers. The location also provides attendees with the opportunity to visit the NSF and follow up with specific program directors before or after the workshop. Additionally, this location is close to the headquarters of other federal agencies such as the Department of Energy (DOE), National institute of Health (NIH), and various defense agencies enabling participation from members of these organizations.

The workshop is expected to have approximately 120 participants and will be open to investigators performing research in NSF-supported disciplines within the United States. While the workshop is primarily intended for junior faculty members, advanced graduate students, postdocs, and other research scientist may also apply.

For more information, including applications, visit the 2016 NSF Chemistry Early Career Investigator Workshop webpage.