COM Loaner Laptops

COM has a limited supply of laptops available in FPS which students can check out and use for the duration of their class. These COM-owned computers have a variety of software packages installed which include Adobe Creative Cloud, MS Office, IBM SPSS, and R Studio. COM loaner laptops are intended for in-class use of technical software and are for students who are unable to use their own laptop. See below for a full list of the laptop checkout policies.

COM Student Laptop Loan Policies

  • Laptops are intended for in-class use of technical software (Adobe Creative Cloud, IBM SPSS, etc.).
  • Laptops are not intended for basic computing functions (web browsing, taking notes, social media, printing).
  • Laptops are not to be taken off-campus.
  • Student laptop checkouts have a maximum duration of one week.
  • Students who do not return a laptop within the allotted checkout duration may be fined $20 a day until the laptop is returned.
  • Students with outstanding fines cannot check out a laptop or other piece of equipment until that fine has been paid in full.
  • Laptops that have not been returned on time may be remotely locked by Computer Support Services staff.
  • A student may be held liable for the cost of repairing or replacing a laptop in the event it is damaged, lost, or stolen while checked out to that student.

How To Make a Laptop Reservation

  • visit
  • click Equipment Reservations
  • click COM Course Equipment
  • click Make a Reservation
  • the laptops are under the Computer-AV section