
Ran Canetti
Ran Canetti

Ran graduated from the Weizmann Institute of Science in 1995. Prior to joining BU in 2011, he was at IBM Research, MIT, and Tel Aviv University. His research interests lie in cryptography and system security, with emphasis on the design and analysis of cryptographic protocols and algorithms.

Sharon GoldbergSharon Goldberg

Sharon Goldberg’s research uses tools from theory (cryptography, game-theory, algorithms), and networking (measurement, modeling, and simulation) to solve practical problems in network security. She joined BU in 2010, after receiving her Ph.D. from Princeton University in 2009. In 2014 she received two IETF/IRTF Applied Networking Research Prizes, an NSF CAREER Award, and a Sloan Research Fellowship.

Leonid ReyzinLeonid Reyzin

Leo Reyzin has worked on providing better alternatives for passwords; on delivering graceful recovery from stolen keys and side channel attacks; and on helping secure the Internet infrastructure. He received his Ph.D. from MIT. He has contributed to the development of cryptography standards, worked as an industry consultant, and received the National Science Foundation’s CAREER Award and Boston University’s Neu Family Award for Excellence in Teaching.

Adam Smith

Adam Smith is a professor of computer science at Boston University. He obtained his Ph.D. from MIT in 2004, and was a faculty member at Penn State from 2007 to 2017. His research interests lie in data privacy and cryptography, and their connections to machine learning, statistics, information theory, and quantum computing. He received a Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE) in 2009; a Theory of Cryptography Test of Time award in 2016; and the 2017 Gödel Prize.

Nikos Triandopoulos photo
Nikos Triandopoulos

Nikos Triandopoulos is an adjunct faculty at BU and a research scientist at RSA Labs. His research interests include information security and privacy, network and distributed systems security, and applied cryptography, with a focus on trustworthy computing and cloud security. He received his Ph.D. at Brown University in 2007, specializing in protocols for data authentication.

Mayank Varia

Mayank Varia’s research interests span theoretical and applied cryptography and their application to problems throughout and beyond computer science. He received a PhD in Mathematics from MIT for his work on cryptographically secure program obfuscation.

Alley Stoughton

Alley Stoughton is applying her background in programming languages and formal methods to the security of systems, especially cryptographic protocols. She joined BU’s Hariri Institute in 2017, and was appointed as a research professor in computer science in 2018. Alley earned her doctorate in computer science from the University of Edinburgh in 1987.


Xiao Wang

Xiao Wang is a postdoctoral researcher joint between BUSec and MIT. His research interests include multi-party computation and oblivious RAM. He obtained his Ph.D. from UMD and will join Northwestern in 2019 fall

Ran Cohen

Ran Cohen is a postdoctoral researcher at Boston University and Northeastern University. Ran received his PhD from Bar-Ilan University in 2016. His research interests are in cryptography, with a focus on secure multiparty computation.

Audra McMillan

Audra McMillan is a postdoctoral associate in the Department of Computer Science at Boston University and the College of Computer Science and Information Sciences at Northeastern University. Her research interests lie primarily in data privacy and statistics. She is interested in developing tools that will allow data analysts, including social scientists and economists, to analyze datasets while ensuring privacy for individuals in the dataset. She received her PhD from the Department of Mathematics at the University of Michigan, and her B.Sc in Mathematics from the University of Sydney.

Graduate Students




busec ethan 2Ethan Heilman

differential cryptanalysis, cache based side channel attacks, novel attacks against hash functions, RPKI, bitcoin Sharon Goldberg

Aanchal picAanchal Malhotra

networks security, cryptography, implications of deploying new security infrastructures in interdomain routing Sharon Goldberg

Oxana Poburinnaya

cryptography Ran Canetti

Sophia pic
Sophia Yakoubov

cryptographic accumulators, efficient secure multi-party computation Leo Reyzin

Sarah Scheffler

Mayank Varia

Om Thakkar

differential privacy, machine learning, adaptive data analysis Adam Smith

Ari Karchmer

fast private algorithms, approximation, MPC, broad theoretical CS

Undergraduate Researchers

Omar Sagga
Daniel Gould
Ezequiel Gomez
Haydn Kennedy

Past Visitors and Alumni

Faculty Visitors




Adam Smith (now BU faculty) 2013 2014
Sofya Raskhodnikova (now BU faculty) 2013 2014
Kobbi Nissim 2014 2014

Past Postdocs





Adam O’Neill 2011 2013 Professor at UMass Amherst
Huijia (Rachel) Lin 2011 2013 Professor at UCSB
Abhishek Jain 2012 2014 Professor at Johns Hopkins University
Foteini Baldimtsi 2014 2016 Professor at George Mason University
Yossi Gilad 2015 2018 Chief technologist and head of systems research at Algorand
Alessandra Scafuro 2015 2017 Professor at NC State University

Graduated PhD Students

PhD Student


Graduation Year


Bhavana Kanu
Leo Reyzin 2010 Professor at the Indian Institute of Science (IISc)
Ben Fuller Leo Reyzin 2014 Professor at UConn
Omer Paneth Ran Canetti 2015 Postdoc at MIT
Dimitris Papadopoulos Nikos Triandopoulos 2016 Professor at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
Davide Prosepio Sharon Goldberg 2016 Professor at University of Southern California
Yilei Chen Ran Canetti, Leo Reyzin 2018 Researcher at Visa Research

Graduated Masters Students

Masters Student


Graduation Year

Jef Guarente Leo Reyzin, Sharon Goldberg 2013
Sachin Vasant Leo Reyzin, Sharon Goldberg 2014
Yun Sheng Sharon Goldberg 2016
Sean Smith Sharon Goldberg 2017

Graduated Undergraduate Researchers

Undergraduate Researcher


Graduation Year

Kyle Brogle Leo Reyzin, Sharon Goldberg 2012
Adam Udi Sharon Goldberg 2013
Danny Cooper Leo Reyzin, Sharon Goldberg 2014
Anthony Faraco-Hadlock Sharon Goldberg 2015
AJ Trainor Sharon Goldberg 2016
Alison Kendler Sharon Goldberg 2016
Isaac Cohen Sharon Goldberg 2016
Erik Brakke Sharon Goldberg 2016
Monica Martin Sharon Goldberg 2016
Kyle Hogan Sharon Goldberg 2016
Ann Ming Samborski Sharon Goldberg 2017
Leen Alshenibr Sharon Goldberg 2017
Rahul Bazaz Sharon Goldberg 2017

Other Visitors





Phillipa Gill 2010 2010 Professor at UMass Amherst
Robert Lychev 2011 2014 Researcher at MIT Lincoln Laboratory
Nir Bitanski 2011 2012 Professor at Tel Aviv University
Margarita Vald 2011 2012 Student at Tel Aviv University
Angela Zottarel 2012 2013 Teacher at ITIS VOLTERRA