Health Informatics

Health Informatics

MET CS 580 (4 credits)

Undergraduate Prerequisites: (METCS570) - This course presents the fundamental principles, concepts, and technological elements that make up the building blocks of Health Informatics. It introduces the characteristics of data, information, and knowledge in the domain, the common algorithms for health applications, and IT components in representative clinical processes. It presents the conceptual framework for handling biomedical data collection, storage, and optimal use. It covers the concepts of population health and precision medicine and the information systems that support them. It introduces basic principles of knowledge management systems in biomedicine, various aspects of Health Information Technology standards, and IT aspects of clinical process modeling. Students design a simple Health Informatics solution as a term project.

2025SPRGMETCS580A1, Jan 21st to May 1st 2025

Days Start End Type Bldg Room
M 06:00 PM 08:45 PM KCB 102

2024FALLMETCS580O2, Oct 29th to Dec 16th 2024

Days Start End Type Bldg Room
ARR 12:00 AM 12:00 AM

2023SUM2METCS580SB2, Jul 6th to Aug 15th 2023

Days Start End Type Bldg Room
TR 06:00 PM 09:30 PM CAS 203

2023SUM2METCS580SO2, Jul 5th to Aug 22nd 2023

Days Start End Type Bldg Room

Format & Syllabus: