Fall 2011 Seminar Series

Date Title Speaker Affiliation
9/8 Organizational Meeting Supriya Chakrabarti BU, CSP
9/15 Nonlinear Wave-Particle Interactions in Space Plasmas Yoshiharu Omura University of Kyoto
9/22 Turbulent Origins of the Sun’s Hot Corona and the Solar Wind Steven Cranmer Harvard CfA
9/29 TBA Thomas Bifano Boston University, Photonics Center
10/6 TBA Carlos Martinis Boston University, CSP
10/13 TBA Wesley Traub Jet Propulsion Laboratory
10/20 Multi-spectral observations of fine scale aurora Hanna Dahlgren Boston University, CSP
10/27 Far-Ultraviolet Molecular Spectroscopy of Protoplanetary Disks: New Views from Hubble Kevin France University of Colorado Boulder
11/3 Including the Public in the Data Pipeline: From motivations to publications Pamela Gay Independent
11/10 TBA Nathalie Miebach Independent
11/17 TBA Lucianne Walkowicz Princeton
11/24 Thanksgiving Break – No Seminar
12/1 AGU Practice Talk – No Seminar