Fall 2022

Fall 2022 Schedule

Date Title/Subject Speaker Affiliation
9/15 Saints and Sinners in the Sky—–Exploring Connections between Science, Art, and Religion Michael Mendillo Boston University
10/6 Recent results from the second flight of PICTURE-C, a NASA balloon mission to directly image debris disks and exoplanetary systems Chris Mendillo University of Massachusetts, Lowell
10/13 Fluid simulation of Farley-Buneman instabilities: Model description and potential applications Enrique Rojas Villalba Cornell University
10/20 Hydration of the lunar surface revealed by meteoroid impacts Mehdi Benna NASA/UMBC, Planetary Environment Laboratory NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
10/27 Nonlinear Wave Interactions in Space Plasmas William Longley Rice University
11/3 Solar-Terrestrial Observatory for the Response of the Magnetosphere (STORM): Mission Design David Sibeck NASA GSFC, Heliophysics Science Division
11/10 Uncertainty in solar wind forcing and its relation to polar cap potential saturation Nithin Sivadas Catholic University of America
11/17 From Coding in Pascal to Nonlinear Wave-Particle Interactions in Plasma Mirek Hanzelka Boston University


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