Dental Assistants Graduate from Continuing Education Program

Four students graduated from the Dental Assisting Training Program at a ceremony on November 18. The unique nine-week program is offered by GSDM Continuing Education (CE) and trains students in a variety of disciplines related to dental assisting including: radiology, sterilization, general dentistry, prosthodontics, periodontics, implantology, oral surgery, orthodontics, and endodontics. This is the third time that CE has offered this program with great success. This semester’s graduates were Cynthia Baez, Emmline Limage, Joanne Byrne, and Marina Em.

As part of the program students are taught by Mary Ellen Sholes, Dr. Louay Abrass, Dr. John Cassis, Kathy Held, Dr. Sandra Morin, Dr. Ishwar Bhatia, Meg Loadholt, Dr. Gurkan Goktug, Maria DaSilva, Roselyn George, Dr. Anita Gohel, Dr. Bruce Robinson, Amanda Tili, Marieh Vakili, Dr. Michael Blau, and CE Director Dr. Zhimon Jacobson.  They are also able to put into practice what they’ve learned by assisting post-graduate residents in the GSDM patient treatment centers.

To gain acceptance into the program applicants should be personable, articulate, high school graduates with an enthusiasm for dental assisting. A fourth offering of the Dental Assisting Training Program will kick off on February 13, 2012.