Locker Sign Out


You will be eligible to sign out of your locker AFTER all clinical competencies in SPS have been signed out by the appropriate faculty member. 

When you are ready to sign out of your locker, please complete the following: 

  1. Verify in SPS that you have been signed out of all clinicals
  2. Visit the GSDM Portal and first enter your “Postgrad Career Form” via the Student Affairs tab 
    1. This form collects information about your post-graduation plans for Career Resources
    2. If you do not see “Postgrad Career” listed as a drop down, please use Safari, Internet Explorer, or Firefox (Google Chrome may not display the form)
  3. Clean out your locker and take two photos – 
    1. photo of the front of the locker with the locker number clearly visible
    2. Photo of the inside of the clean locker
  4. Send email, with both photos attached, to and cc:, informing us that you have completed steps 1 through 3.  If someone else is using your locker, please send us a photo of the illegally occupied locker.

Student Affairs will review all relevant information and if the locker sign-out criteria is met, we will sign you out remotely, within 1-2 business days.  You will receive an email confirmation when your locker sign-out has been completed. 

*NOTE: Any items that remain in a locker after official sign-out will be discarded.*