Radiological Services
Analytical X-ray safety:
Analytical X-ray equipment is used for X-ray diffraction analysis, fluorescence analysis, or direct X-ray transmission analysis of microstructures in materials. We provide user training, instruction, and permitting for use of this equipment. In addition, Radiation Safety provides information and guidance for room safety designs, annual inspections, equipment registrations and regulatory compliance.
Direct and Indirect Bioassays:
To ensure that exposures to workers are kept “As Low As Reasonably Achievable”, Radiation Safety has the ability to provide testing and analysis for radioisotope uptakes. (Thyroid Direct bioassay , Urinalysis, etc.). Please contact Radiation Safety for more information.
Exposure Monitoring:
To adhere to all guidance under 105 CMR 120.200, 29 CFR 1910.1096, and other applicable rules and regulations; Radiation Safety evaluates all individuals being exposed or possibly being exposed to ionizing radiation for dosimetric issuance. When issued or requested, Radiation Safety monitors the exposure results on a monthly or quarterly basis with action thresholds 1/10th of the state and federal guidance.
Fetal exposure consultation:
Radiation Safety provides one-on-one interviews, hands on training, and dosimetry for declared pregnant workers working with ionizing radiation. The RSO will also directly review an individual’s job environment and asses involved risks.
Irradiator use and access services:
Irradiator use training, support services, and scheduling for cell and animal irradiation will be provided as needed. Radiation Safety will help potential users with security clearance requirements for unescorted access and use of irradiation devices.
Job specific training:
Initial and annual trainings are provided in addition to technical assistance for uses of radioactive materials in research and clinical settings.
Procedure and protocol review:
Radiation Safety can assist with operational procedures and technical review to ensure regulatory compliance for radioactive material use in research and clinical environments. Also, Radiation Safety provides direct review of protocols for: research, IRB, RDRC, IACUC- LASC.
Radiation detection equipment calibration and repairs:
As a permit requirement annual calibrations are provided by Radiation Safety free of charge as well as any minor repairs. If you suspect your radiation detection equipment is not responding or is out of calibration, do not use this instrument and contact radiation safety for a loaner instrument.
Radiological release survey:
Radiation safety will provide equipment release surveys for radiological equipment that requires repair, transfer, or disposal.
Shielding assessment and calculation:
Radiation Safety can assess radiation shielding needs for radioactive material storage and use. Please contact the Radiation Safety Officer at 617-358-7688.
Technical and regulatory expertise:
Radiation Safety provides comprehensive radiation safety support for the safe use and operation of radioactive materials and medical devices for both research and clinical applications.
Licensing, training, permitting, laboratory inspection and audits are all be supported by Radiation Safety.
Radiation Safety will act as a liaison to inspecting regulatory bodies as well as provide regulatory guidance and compliance for Federal, State and local regulations for a comprehensive radiation safety program.