FIRE Program Returns to College of Engineering

First Inspiration in Research in Engineering inspires high school students by offering a hands-on learning experience.


Students design healthcare solutions for the underserved

BTEC Design-A-Thon 1The Biomedical Engineering Society, in collaboration with Bioengineering Technology & Entrepreneurship Center (BTEC), hosted the second annual BTEC x BMES Design-A-Thon on April 27th.

Algae Fuel Cell Tops Imagineering Competition

With a cross-disciplinary team, a LEAP student develops his childhood dream into a promising power source.

Translational Biomedical Advances Highlighted at Inaugural BTEC Symposium

BTECPromising advances in biological engineering were the topics of discussion at the Bioengineering Technology & Entrepreneurship Center’s (BTEC) inaugural symposium this month.

BTEC and BDC Host Women Leaders in Science

The Bioengineering Technology & Entrepreneurship Center (BTEC) and the Biological Design Center (BDC) jointly hosted Women Leaders in Science, an event that drew more than…

First Design-A-Thon Generates Tech Solutions to Health Disparities

A date-rape drug detector and other student projects won awards in a contest sponsored by Merck and organized by BTEC and the BU student chapter of BMES.

Made of Paper Towel Tubes, This Robotic Arm Teaches STEM While Playing Chess

Students’ prize-winning project is a fun, tactile way to teach kids about computer science and mathematics.



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