Part-time Employment Within Boston University
A variety of paid part-time positions are available for graduate students through the Student Employment Office at Boston University. Opportunities vary each semester but may include such jobs as grader, laboratory assistant, office assistant, and research assistant. Students who are awarded Federal College Work-Study grants (restricted to US citizens and permanent residents) have access to additional employment opportunities posted by the University Work-Study Office.
Off-Campus Part-Time Employment
A number of part-time off-campus jobs are available to Boston University students through the Student Employment Office. A full-time graduate student should not expect to work more than about ten hours per week or earn more than about $1,000 per month from such employment. Students awarded Federal Work-Study grants have access to additional employment opportunities listed by the University Work-Study Office. International students may not work more than 20 hours per week total, including on-campus and off-campus jobs. All RA and GTF appointments require the student to work 20 hours per week, hence international students receiving these forms of financial aid may not hold any other type of employment. This employment restriction also applies to the summer semester.
Other international students are advised to seek the counsel of the International Students & Scholars Office at 888 Commonwealth Avenue, 2nd floor, to obtain up-to-date information and regulations concerning employment issues for foreign students.