
For CV click here
Teaching and Research Interests
  • Eighteenth-century literature
  • Intellectual history
  • Aesthetics
  • Composition pedagogy
Selected Publications
  • Prince New Beginning Writing
  • Philosophical Dialogue in the English Enlightenment (1996)
  • “Editing Shaftesbury’s Characteristicks,” Essays in Criticism 54 (2004)
  • “Mauvais Genres,” New Literary History 34 (2003)
  • “Heidegger’s Turn to Poetry and the Paradox of Overcoming,” Fulcrum 2 (2003)
  • “The Eighteenth-Century Beauty Contest,” Modern Language Quarterly 55 (1994)
  • “Literacy and Genre,” College English 51 (1989)
  • Mimetic Virtue: On Shaftesbury’s Moral Sense (2010)
Work in Progress
  • A history of rhetoric during the eighteenth century; essays on the novel, and composition pedagogy
Honors, Grants, and Awards
  • ACLS Fellow (1991–92)
Selected Works