Boston Area Pedagogy Conference 2022

Envisioning the Future of Learning and Teaching Languages, Literatures, Cultures and Cinema
Friday, March 18, 2022

Welcoming Remarks
Cathy Yeh, Boston University

World Language Teachers’ Voices from COVID: Where Do We Go From Here?
Francis Troyan, The Ohio State University

Topic: 21st Century Problems in the Humanities and Language Classroom

The Power of Words: Teaching World Languages through the Lens of Sustainability
Luluah Mustafa, Boston University

Sustainability in the Italian Classroom: Between Relevance and Acquisition
Chiara Trebaiocchi, Harvard University

Reading the Climate – From Literature to Action
Johannes F. Evelein, Trinity College

Topic: Building Community and Student-Centered Teaching Practice

Fostering Compassion, Connection, and Community in the Language Classroom
Shilpa Parmani, Radhika Sharma, Boston University

Student Driven Discussions
Angelica Avcikurt, Boston University

Student-Centered Writing Tasks for Developing Presentational Writing Skills in Advanced-Level Language Courses
Rosana Hernandez, Evgeniya Prihodko, Boston University

Topic: Promoting Creativity, Critical Thinking, Cultural Awareness and Interculturality

Raising Critical Language and Cultural Awareness Through the Arts: A Call for the Inclusion of Creativity in the Spanish Heritage Language Classroom
María Luisa Parra, Harvard University

Cartooning Al-Kitaab: An Instructor/Student Collaborative
Shakir Mustafa, Northeastern University

Unpack That Image!
Sue Griffin. Boston University

Promoting Literacy and Interculturality Through Visual Narratives
Stéphanie Ravillon, Elsa Amanatidou
Brown University

Topic: Promoting Multiliteracy Through the Use of Authentic Materials

Teaching Advanced Korean through Popular Music
Heeju Lee, Boston University

Guiding Language Learners to a More Confident, Engaged and Culturally Sensitive Interpretation of Authentic Resources
Xiaocheng Chen, Harvard University

A Multiliteracies Model to Teaching Clips and Short Films
Mira Angrist, Boston University

Topic: Gender-Inclusive Language in Teaching Gendered Languages

Inclusive Italian Guidelines
Carmen Merolla, Tufts University

Teaching Gender Inclusive Spanish from the Novice Level
Maria Datel, Boston University

Topic: Project-Based Learning and Assessment

Empowering Students Through Self-Evaluation: How Ungrading Works
Molly Monet-Viera, Boston University

Achieving Positive Student Learning Outcomes in Project-Based Novice Language Classes
Kumiko Tsuji, Northeastern University

Effective Tools: Formative Assessment of Chinese Heritage Language Learners
Min-Min Liang. MIT