The Best of CARLA – 2014


The Best of CARLA – 2014

Description: This is NOT a recording, but instead we decided to build a running list of ideas and lessons learned by six faculty members entitled “the Best of CARLA 2014.”

Background: For those who do not yet know, CARLA is the Center for Advance Research in Language Acquisition at the University of Minnesota. Hiromi Miyagi-Lusthaus attended the Summer Institute, and Mira Angrist, Sue Griffin, Zoli Mali, Jaemin Roh, and Etsuko Okita Snyder took part in the Summer Online Seminar.

On Wednesday, October 1, all the faculty named above took part in a rich and lively sharing session with myself and Gisela Hoecherl-Alden. Their Tips and Tools for the BU language learning community are summarized below:


1. Try to focus on exploring 1-2 tools more in depth, rather than all tools at once

2. As we increasingly rely on Blackboard Learn for assessment, find tools that can be integrated when possible

3. Hiromi shared her slides summarizing the CARLA Teaching Culture class:

4. Hiromi’s Sample Culture Lesson



1. Example of Screencast based on a South African news broadcast (Zoli Mali) and other examples (Jaemin Roh). For details from Screencast’s website including how to get an account, see: Screencast

2. Example of VideoANT based on a wedding song and annotations thereof (Zoli Mali).  VideoANT is a mobile and desktop video annotation tool.

3. eduCanon (Etsuko Okita Snyder), examples were shown with a Reading/Writing focus for a Kanji course.

4. Flipgrid and Voicethread (Mira Angrist)

5. ThingLink –> Example of ThingLink image that has video, text, and links added (Sue Griffin)

6. ThingLink video (Sue Griffin)

7.* Quizlet (Etsuko Okita Snyder)

*NOTE: Look for Geddes Workshops on Quizlet Teacher starting January 2015

8. Glogster – a free resource where we and our students can create interactive posters/pages (Sue Griffin)

Tools that were considered either problematic or not a good fit



 This list makes for a great start…we hope to expand on it as we learn more!