Advancing Health and Social Justice in Malawi: A Conversation with Sam Njolomole (Awareness Raising Event)

February 29th, 2012 in Conferences/Seminars

Interested in medicine, global health, or nonprofit work? Come hear the inspirational story of Samson Njolomole, the External Relations Manager for Partners In Health in his home district of Neno, Malawi. Learn more below about his work to improve health care and treat HIV:

In 2007, Samson Njolomole began working as a translator in his home district of Neno, Malawi. At the time, antiretroviral therapy (ART) was available to only 10 patients in the district. Identified for his compassion, defense of human rights, and strengths as a community organizer, Sam quickly rose to become HIV Program Coordinator, where he was instrumental in expanded capacity for ART to the two hospitals and eleven health centers that currently serve over 4,500 HIV patients throughout the district. Later, as Community Programs Manager, Sam initiated innovative community-based health education, outreach and testing events. Sam’s charisma and passion for justice for the poor draws attendance that swells into the thousands at community events. In his current role as External Relations Manager, Sam serves as the primary liaison between Abwenzi Pa Za Umoyo and local, domestic, and international partners and communities.

Time: Thursday, March 1, 2012 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM EST
Host: Partners In Health & BU’s FACE AIDS Chapter
BU College of Communications, COM 101 (Boston, MA)

640 Commonwealth Avenue
Boston, MA 02215

RSVP here!

Don’t forget…Global Health in Focus event March 7th at 6pm

February 29th, 2012 in Conferences/Seminars

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Panel Discussion: Why Global Health Matters

Wednesday, March 7th, 6pm

BU George Sherman Union Conference Auditorium, 775 Commonwealth Ave, Boston University

 Panelists: Jennifer Beard, PhD, MPH (BU School of Public Health); Dominic Chavez, featured photographer, Jonathan D. Quick, MD, MPH (President and CEO, Management Sciences for Health); David Rochkind, featured photographer.

Robert Putnam speaks at BU School of Law, Thursday, March 1st at 6

February 28th, 2012 in Conferences/Seminars


Robert Putnam, Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University

 Thursday, March 1, 6 pm
Boston University School of Law

Barristers Hall
765 Commonwealth Avenue First Floor

 Moderator: Robert Hefner (Director, Institute on Culture, Religion and World Affairs, Boston University)

Robert D. Putnam is Malkin Professor of Public Policy at Harvard University. He is a member of the National Academy of Sciences, the British Academy, the American Philosophical Society, and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and past president of the American Political Science Association. He was the 2006 recipient of the Skytte Prize and has served as an adviser to presidents and national leaders around the world. He has written more than a dozen books, including Bowling Alone and Making Democracy Work, both among the most cited publications in the social sciences in the last half century. The London Sunday Times has called him "the most influential academic in the world today." Putnam's most recent book, American Grace, co-authored with David Campbell of Notre Dame, focuses on the role of religion in American public life. Based on data from two of the most comprehensive national surveys on religion and civic engagement ever conducted, American Grace is the winner of the American Political Science Association's 2011 Woodrow Wilson Foundation Award for the best book on government, politics, or international affairs.

 This event is co-sponsored by Boston University's Institute on Culture, Religion and World Affairs and the Institute for Philosophy & Religion and supported by the Boston University Center for the Humanities.

Internship opportunity in Uganda as the Deputy Program Manager of ACCESS

February 28th, 2012 in Jobs, Practicums/Internships

PFA is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting and growing a community-based organization in the Nakaseke District of Uganda known as African Community Center for Social Sustainability (ACCESS). ACCESS is a community-based organization in rural Uganda founded in 2002 to empower vulnerable groups in resource limited settings through medical care, education and income-generating projects.

Job Posting - Deputy Program Manager

ACCESS has a very unique approach to development by providing Ugandans with medical skills to address the health needs of the local population and empowering community members through income generating activity and education. This internship opportunity would allow students to gain hands-on experience in the field of global health.

Feel free to contact Katie D'Angelo, Co-Director of ACCESS, at

[NOTE - fellow MPH student, Katharine Collet []
graduated with the Co-Director and is willing to be helpful for those interested in applying.

Beyond the Classroom Series Alumni Panel: March 8th at 4

February 28th, 2012 in Conferences/Seminars

Please Join Us! HPM Beyond the Classroom Series: Alumni Career Panel

March 8th 2012, 4:00- 5:30 pm, Wilkins Board Room, 1st Fl. BUMC Instructional Building

 Thinking about your career path? Wondering where alumni interested in health policy and management work after graduating? Curious about what courses to take while you’re here to be best prepared for your future job? Come join to the HPM Alumni Career Panel to find answers to these questions and connect with alumni living in the Boston area.

 Alumni Panelists

Jason Silver, Administrator, Center for Preoperative Evaluation at Brigham and Women's Hospital, MPH, Health Policy and Management, 2007 – 2009

 Tim Chettiath, Program Analyst at Office of Inspector General, Health and Human Services, MPH, Health Policy & Management, Pharmaceutical Policy & Management, 2008 - 2009

 Robin Dasilva, Manager of Health Policy and Research at Massachusetts Medical Society, MPH  Health Policy & Management, 2005 - 2008

 Raymond Gómez, Quality Improvement Specialist at Steward Health Care, MPH, Health Policy & Management, 2008 – 2010

 Laura Tetrault Gatzos, Software Applications Analyst at Partners HealthCare, MPH, Health Policy and Management, 2008 – 2011

 RSVP Online Today

Students from all concentrations are welcome to attend!

Want to practice your medical Spanish? Tuesday, March 27th at 12:30

February 28th, 2012 in Conferences/Seminars

Join us for our March Spanish lunch meet-up where we will learn and practice Spanish for physical exams and clinical encounters.

 This month we are changing things up a bit!

 As we spend more time in clinical settings with Spanish-speaking patients, many of us have wished we could brush up on our medical Spanish or learn the basic phrases that might help us get through the visit a little more smoothly.

 Dr. Joanne Wilkinson will go over basic, high yield words and phrases for us from her years of experience as a family medicine physician to mostly Spanish-speaking patients here at BMC.

 If you are a native speaker, we would love to have your additional expertise so we can learn and practice different ways to elicit and receive information from our patients. And if you’re pretty good at Spanish but aren’t so confident with your medical Spanish, this is the session for you! While all levels are welcome, this session will be most helpful to those with a basic level of comfort in speaking Spanish.

 Other faculty will also be invited and will join if their schedules allow. In addition to practicing your Spanish, we hope this will be a fun way to get to meet other classmates and faculty at the BU School of Medicine and the School of Public Health.

 Bring your lunch and join us!

Date: Tuesday, March 27

Time: 12:30-1:30pm

Location: TBD

Please feel free to contact us with any questions! Esther Han (, Caroline Mullin (, Hugo Carmona (

Lynne Stevens Award for Research on Responding to Violence Against Women application due by March 15th

February 27th, 2012 in Funding

Boston University Medical Campus Office of the Associate Provost for Research
The Family Medicine Department’s Lynne Stevens Award for Research on Responding to Violence Against Women Background: Lynne Stevens was Director of the Responding to Violence Against Women Program and an Assistant Professor at the Boston University School of Medicine, Department of Family Medicine. Stevens specialized in evaluation of the quality of care offered in medical settings to women impacted by partner and sexual violence. She died in 2009 at the age of 63. The Award Program: To continue her work in this important area, the Department of Family Medicine, with the help of a generous donation, has established an annual grant for a research or practice improvement project. The focus should be on the care received in the Boston University system by women who experience partner and sexual violence, including the hospitals, student health services and community health centers affiliated with Boston Medical Center. This is a University-wide program, so all faculty, staff, trainees and students of BU, BMC and affiliated community health centers and services are eligible to apply. Non-clinicians are encouraged to seek endorsement by practicing providers with a letter of support attesting to clinical relevance. Proposals will be reviewed by a Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) including experts in the field.

 The Award Process: Applicants are asked to submit a concept paper of no more than 3 pages to the committee via email by March 15, 2012 to This concept paper should include the objectives of the study or project design, a description of how the results will be evaluated and used to improve clinical services, a timeline and budget. The project should be completed within a year, and the budget should not exceed $ 5,000.  The TAC will review the concept papers, and ask for more detail from one or more applicants. The award will be announced in May and funded following any indicated IRB approval.

 For more information: Contact Janice Robbins, Assistant to the Chair of Family Medicine or Carol Mostow LICSW, Chair of the Lynne Stevens Memorial Committee


Take advantage of the BUSPH Writing Assistance Program

February 27th, 2012 in Outside Announcements

The Writing Assistance Program is open to MPH and MS students who would like to discuss organization, thesis statements, or other aspects of the writing process with a tutor. The Writing Assistance Program is not an editing or grammar service and does not guarantee that the tutor will be knowledgeable about content of the paper. Writing assistance is not available for culminating experiences or masters theses.

 Students wishing to use the Writing Assistance Program are asked to bring two printed copies of the assignment description and two printed copies of their most recent draft. 

 Writing assistants are available Mondays and Thursdays, 1-7pm in Talbot 211E.

 Please contact the Tutor Coordinator at or 617-414-1411 to schedule an appointment or with any questions about the Writing Assistance Program.  Further information can be found at

Enter to win a free three month membership to South End Fitness Center or gift certificates from local restaurants by taking a student survey

February 24th, 2012 in Fellowships

Students in an SPH research methods class are asking you to take a brief survey about stress and exercise.

Please click this link to participate:

 Participants can enter to win:

BONUS: If you choose to participate in one of our focus groups, your name will be entered into the raffle an additional FOUR times, giving you even better odds of winning.
Your participation is optional and your entry into the raffle will be completely separate from your survey responses.

Thank you for your help!

Myriam, Kendra, Hannah, and Joe

Initiatives Inc. seeking interns: international health focus but Boston-based!

February 24th, 2012 in Practicums/Internships

Initiatives Inc. will be at the BUSPH Career Fair, Feb. 28th from 4-6pm.

Initiatives Inc. seeks one or more interns to support the ongoing development and management of CHW Central (, a website devoted to sharing information about community health workers (CHWs) around the world.

 Please see the attached description: CHW Central Intern Position Description FEB 2012