GRAP Opportunity – Literature Review on Adherence among Adolescents Living with HIV and their Caregivers in China (Bachman)

Opportunity ID: 01-Bachman

Project Title: Literature review for publications on adherence experiences among adolescents living with HIV and their caregivers in China

Faculty Mentor: Mary Bachman DeSilva

Description Statement:

Adolescent adherence to antiretroviral therapy (ART) has been understudied, and few evidence-based interventions have been developed for this group. A large cohort of perinatally infected youth are aging into adolescence worldwide, and thus the need is growing for information regarding their experience with care and treatment.  A group of researchers at CGHD have begun developing a research program to expand the evidence base for supporting these vulnerable youth.

The initial work includes a small study among HIV-positive adolescents in China for which data collection was completed.  The objectives of this study are:

  1. To explore views toward ART and adherence among adolescents and their caregivers
  2. To examine facilitators of and barriers to adherence in this population, and
  3. To learn about caregivers’ roles and challenges.

We are currently completing analysis and preparing two manuscripts for publication, and are requesting student assistance with the literature reviews.

Scope of Work:

The GSA will conduct literature reviews for two manuscripts in progress, one on disclosure, one on barriers to adherence among adolescents in China, including systematic research and drafting and revision of the literature review and background section.  For each review, the GSA will:

  1. Identify and obtain relevant literature to be reviewed and enter complete references into Zotero.
  2. Conduct a systematic literature review.
  3. Compile an annotated bibliography.
  4. Provide a written summary and synthesis of the review, as well as a summary of the methods used.

Minimum Skills Desired:

Strong research and writing skills, experience with Zotero or similar reference manager (although GSA may learn Zotero in the process of the assistantship). Supervisor will provide some training and guidance on procedure for conducting the reviews.

Time/Date Expectations:

Academic year 2015-16, with potential for continuation on future projects related to adolescents.  Expectation of approximately 5-10 hours per week on average.

Additional Material Requested:

Writing sample that includes an introduction, background, and literature review section

Number of Positions: One (1)

Logistics & Support: GSA will meet biweekly with supervisor to review progress, and will have opportunity for authorship if work is satisfactory.