GRAP Opportunity – Qualitative analysis of newborn care and acceptability of antiseptic formulations (Hamer)

Opportunity ID: 01-Hamer

Project Title: Qualitative analysis of newborn care and acceptability of antiseptic formulations for the Zambia Chlorhexidine Application Trial (ZamCAT)

Faculty Mentor: Dr. Davidson Hamer

Description Statement:

The aim of the ZamCAT study was to demonstrate whether chlorhexidine, a simple antiseptic wash applied to the umbilical stump of newborns, would reduce infection and thus improve infant survival rates in Southern Province, Zambia. A qualitative study was conducted to complement the findings of the trial, given the importance of understanding the perceptions and beliefs regarding the function of the umbilical cord, cord dressings, postnatal care of the newborn according to mothers, healthcare providers, community women, or community leaders and elders. It is equally important to understand the impact that ZamCAT had on current cultural practices and beliefs in Zambia, both among participants in the chlorhexidine cord care and dry cord care clusters. To do so, a formative research study was conducted at the end of the trial. Results will help guide the development of educational messages to improve the umbilical cord care of newborns in Zambia in the future.

Scope of Work:

The rich qualitative dataset produced from this formative study is ready for analysis. A total of 5 focus group discussions and 36 in-depth interviews will be coded and analyzed. The research affiliate (RA) will work with an existing research assistant on the team to:

  1. Code the translated transcripts from both the focus group discussions and in-depth interviews
  2. Work with the other RA to identify new themes emerging from the dataset
  3. Code the transcripts based on the pre-determined themes and emerging themes in NVivo
  4. Conduct a preliminary analysis of the coding results
  5. Assist Dr. Hamer and the ZamCAT team with development of a manuscript for submission for publication

Minimum skills required/desired: Student Research Affiliate should have functional knowledge of NVivo, some experience coding data, and be self-motivated and able to work independently .

Time / Date Expectations:
10 hours/week, January – May 2016 or until project complete. Satisfactory work may lead to additional opportunities

Additional Material Requested:

Number of Positions: One (1)

Logistics & Support: Student will work closely with the existing student RA; students will meet with Dr. Hamer every other week