GRAP Opportunity – Syllabus Development for Course on Malaria in Ghana (Foster)

Opportunity ID: 02-Foster

Project Title: Syllabus development for course on the social determinants, socioeconomic impact, epidemiology, main methods of prevention, and clinical presentation of malaria in Ghana

Faculty Mentor: Susan Foster

Description Statement:

In summer 2016, a new public health field course in Accra, Ghana for undergraduates will be initiated in conjunction with Sargent College and Lancaster University in the UK.  The main focus will be on all facets of malaria –the social determinants and the socioeconomic impact of malaria, the epidemiology of malaria in Ghana, the main methods of prevention including environmental aspects and control, and the clinical presentation in both children and adults.

Scope of Work:

The RA will assist with further development of the syllabus for the course – identifying articles, online resources such as case studies, videos, etc., and on planning activities for the students on this new Ghana field course.

Minimum Skills Desired:

Student should have interest in course development and some familiarity with sources to seek out potential class materials. Creative thinking on how to engage unique and novel material into the classroom setting is appreciated.

Time/Date Expectations:

It is anticipated that 5-8 hours a week would be required for this work throughout the spring semester 2016.

Additional Material Requested: None

Number of Positions: One

Logistics & Support: Student will meet biweekly or as needed with supervisor to review progress. Supervisor will be available to provide feedback on materials as the work progresses.