GRAP Opportunity – Outcomes of Patients Lost to Follow-Up from HIV Care (Fox)

Opportunity ID: 02-Fox

Project Title: Outcomes of patients lost to followup from HIV care

Faculty Mentor: Matthew Fox

Description Statement:

Scope of Work:

This project will describe outcomes of patients lost to follow up from HIV clinics in South Africa using the Right to Care clinical HIV cohort that several BU faculty members and doctoral students have worked on. The project would require creating an analytic dataset, comparing patients who are lost to updated information about their final outcomes and calculating rates of mortality among those lost. This project will also require a review of the literature to determine what other studies have found for final outcomes in patients lost to follow up.

Minimum skills required/desired:

Familiarity with HIV treatment, ability to work in SAS with large datasets. Ability to manipulate multiple databases and merge them into one analytic dataset. Attention to detail.

Time / Date Expectations:

November 2015 until completion

Additional Material Requested: None

Number of Positions: One (1)

Logistics & Support: