GRAP Opportunity – After Option B+: Maternal Retention in HIV Care (Bonawitz)

Opportunity ID: 03-Bonawitz

Project Title: After Option B+: Maternal Retention in HIV Care

Faculty Mentor: Dr. Rachael Bonawitz

Description Statement:

In this relatively recent era of Option B+ for Prevention of Maternal to Child Transmission of HIV (PMTCT), there is limited data on maternal adherence to ART and retention in the PMTCT cascade, though one study from Malawi does show decreased post-partum retention under Option B+ policy.  We have a potential opportunity with colleagues in Uganda to undertake retrospective chart review of clinic registers at primary healthcare facilities across 16 districts in Uganda that receive PEPFAR-funding for HIV and PMTCT service delivery to investigate retention rates and transfer to standard ART-care after post-partum care. This project is in the very early stages of development, but would include travel to Uganda by the student to help complete data collection, in partnership with a Ugandan student.

Scope of Work:

We are looking for one to two students to work on this project, which will likely be in collaboration with a Ugandan graduate student, on-site in Uganda. Tasks may include:

  1. Assistance developing study instruments;
  2. Retrospective data collection in the field;
  3. Data entry and database management;
  4. Data analysis;
  5. Other project related-tasks

Minimum skills desired:

Strong writing skills, data collection and database management skills; data analysis skills; interest in maternal child health, HIV, PMTCT, global health.

Time / Date Expectations:

Potential plans for travel to Uganda in Summer 2016, though funding sources would need to be identified. Placement would be in Uganda, with data collection in the field for likely a 6-8 week period. Success with initial tasks will lead to opportunities for further involvement with potential data analysis and results dissemination.

Any special application request:

Applicant should submit a current CV, letter of interest stating relevant experience, and writing sample.

Number of Positions: One (1)

Logistics & Support: Biweekly meetings