GRAP 2017 – Analysis of Bioequivalent medicines in Chile (01-Kaplan & Wirtz)

Project Title:  Analysis of Bioequivalent medicines in Chile

Faculty / Researcher Mentor:   Warren Kaplan/Veronika Wirtz

Description Statement: Since 2013 the medicine regulatory authority of Chile requires marketed products containing specified active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) to be “bioequivalent” with a “reference” product containing the same API. This means that the generic products must undergo some tests to prove that their chemical and pharmacological properties are equivalent to the reference.  The Ministry of Health (MoH) in Chile would like to study the effects of the BEQ requirement policy. Has the policy been effective? To what extent have products containing API that require BEQ tests actually received certification in line with the policy?

Scope of Work:  The Chilean MOH would like us to analyze a database containing all products marketed and the date when they received BEQ certification.  The questions they would like us to answer are: between 2013 and 2017what is percentage of products containing APIs with BEQ requirements have received their certification as being BEQ out of total number of marketed products with that API? Which therapeutic groups have the highest and lowest percentage of BEQ products? Which therapeutic group has the highest total number of BEQ products? There may be more research questions depending on the results of the questions mentioned above. The deliverable is a draft manuscript suitable for publication in a peer-review journal.

Minimum skills desired: Intermediate Excel or SAS or r

Time / Date Expectations:  October –mid-December 2017. NOTE – THIS POSITION IS AVAILABLE ASAP, IF INTERESTED, PLEASE APPLY AT ONCE.

Number of Positions:  ONE