Professor Emeritus of History

Medieval Spain, medieval science and technology, modern science, food history

Thomas F. Glick is author of Islamic and Christian Spain in the Early Middle Ages (2nd ed., 2005); From Muslim Fortress to Christian Castle: Social and Cultural Change in Medieval Spain (1995); Irrigation and Hydraulic Technology: Medieval Spain and its Legacy (1996); Einstein in Spain (1988); and co-author of Negotiating Darwin: The Vatican Confronts Evolution, 1877-1902 (2006). He is editor or co-editor of The Comparative Reception of Darwinism (2nd ed., 1988); The Comparative Reception of Relativity (1987); The Reception of Charles Darwin in Europe (2008); and Medieval Science, Technology and Medicine: An Encyclopedia (2005).

Professor Glick was awarded an honorary doctorate by the University of Valencia in 2010; has held Guggenheim, National Endowment for the Humanites, National Science Foundation, and Fulbright fellowships; and is a fellow of the Reial Academia de Bones Lltetres de Barcelona and the Linnean Society of London.

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