Join Dr. Francisco Estrada-Belli and his crew digging at the ancient city of Holmul.
Accommodations and Transportation
Volunteers will stay at the Holmul field campsite with the research team.
Accommodations are in individual tents. The Holmul camp is rustic
remote from modern comforts (hot water, candy, etc) but it is furnished with
dining halls, laboratory, outhouses and showers for a large crew. It is
located in the midst of one of the largest and richest expanses of rainforest in
the Maya Biosphere, rich in tropical birds, howler monkeys, and other
species, including snakes. Volunteers will live and work with a
of about 15 US and Guatemalan professionals and 30 workmen. Meals and
service are provided by a team of local cooks and helpers. The diet
is based on traditional Guatemalan foods, fresh maize and flour
black beans, chicken, eggs and fresh vegetables.
The program does provide for transportation to and from the Belize City or Guatemala City
airports. Lodging and meals in hotels in the nearby town on arrival and
departure day are included. Soft drinks and personal extras are not included.
Volunteers are expected to be in good physical health and fit for an
extended stay in an outdoors environment.
A medical exam is required. Prior experience in camping and hiking
is required.
Travel medical insurance, preventive anti-malarial medications and
appropriate vaccinations are required.
For more information:
Email Prof. Francisco Estrada-Belli
for more images of the Holmul Archaeological Project click